la rédaction
Definition: drafting, editing, writing, drawing up
C'est la première rédaction - It's the first draft.
La rédaction est très importante - Editing is very important.
Related: un/e rédacteur/trice - writer, drafter, editor; rédactionnel (adj) - editorial; rédiger - to write, compose, draft
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [ray dak syo(n)]
C'est la première rédaction - It's the first draft.
La rédaction est très importante - Editing is very important.
Related: un/e rédacteur/trice - writer, drafter, editor; rédactionnel (adj) - editorial; rédiger - to write, compose, draft
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [ray dak syo(n)]