Definition: (adj) related to wind
Que pensez-vous de l'énergie éolienne ? - What do you think of wind power?
L'érosion éolienne va détruire ce coteau - Wind erosion is going to destroy this hillside
Related: une éolienne - windmill, wind turbine
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [ay uh lye(n)]
Que pensez-vous de l'énergie éolienne ? - What do you think of wind power?
L'érosion éolienne va détruire ce coteau - Wind erosion is going to destroy this hillside
Related: une éolienne - windmill, wind turbine
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [ay uh lye(n)]