Hallel: Rosh Chodesh Nisan: Paragraph One
Come and see: At the time that the sun sets, the Keruvim clap with their wings and they sing. What do they sing? "Hallelukah!
Praise, you who serve God! Praise the Name of God.
Let the Name of God be blessed from now and forever.
From sunrise to sundown, the Name of God is praised."
Immediately, all the Angels of the Third Watch rise and sing with them. All the stars and the constellations in the heavens open with their own harmonious Song, as the verse says, "When the morning stars sang in unison, and all the heavenly beings shouted (Job 38:7)." "Praise Him all bright stars (Psalms 148:3)!" All the stars sing over the new light, the morning of the future, and they elevate the Song of Israel below.
Together all the Songs join in harmony and elevate the Glory of the Holy One, Blessed is He, from below and above, and the world is closer to perfection from all aspects of creation (Zohar I:231a)
The Song of Hallel begins with the Keruvim, stirs the Angels of the Third Watch, the stars and constellations, all the Angels and Israel to sing in harmony. Only the person who is open to such stirrings can hear the song in his heart and soul and sing in harmony, joining the song of the New Light.
As long as Israel were slaves they could not hear the invitation. They could not appreciate the new light of the morning as anything other than the beginning of another day of work.
They were free, but not yet future oriented, until they received the calling to rise and join the Upper Worlds by Sanctifying time, Rosh Chodesh Nisan, and they heard and responded:
Praise, you who serve God! Praise the Name of God.
Let the Name of God be blessed from now and forever.
From sunrise to sundown, the Name of God is praised.
God is above all the nations. His Glory is beyond the sky.
Who is like God, our Lord, Who lives up high, but drops down to see what happens (to us) in the (lower) heaven and earth?
Who lifts up the lowly from the dust, raises the destitute from the garbage dumps to be seated with leaders, the leaders of their people.
Who Makes a home for the childless woman and joy for the mother of children. Hallelukah!"
Praise, you who serve God! Praise the Name of God.
Let the Name of God be blessed from now and forever.
From sunrise to sundown, the Name of God is praised."
Immediately, all the Angels of the Third Watch rise and sing with them. All the stars and the constellations in the heavens open with their own harmonious Song, as the verse says, "When the morning stars sang in unison, and all the heavenly beings shouted (Job 38:7)." "Praise Him all bright stars (Psalms 148:3)!" All the stars sing over the new light, the morning of the future, and they elevate the Song of Israel below.
Together all the Songs join in harmony and elevate the Glory of the Holy One, Blessed is He, from below and above, and the world is closer to perfection from all aspects of creation (Zohar I:231a)
The Song of Hallel begins with the Keruvim, stirs the Angels of the Third Watch, the stars and constellations, all the Angels and Israel to sing in harmony. Only the person who is open to such stirrings can hear the song in his heart and soul and sing in harmony, joining the song of the New Light.
As long as Israel were slaves they could not hear the invitation. They could not appreciate the new light of the morning as anything other than the beginning of another day of work.
They were free, but not yet future oriented, until they received the calling to rise and join the Upper Worlds by Sanctifying time, Rosh Chodesh Nisan, and they heard and responded:
Praise, you who serve God! Praise the Name of God.
Let the Name of God be blessed from now and forever.
From sunrise to sundown, the Name of God is praised.
God is above all the nations. His Glory is beyond the sky.
Who is like God, our Lord, Who lives up high, but drops down to see what happens (to us) in the (lower) heaven and earth?
Who lifts up the lowly from the dust, raises the destitute from the garbage dumps to be seated with leaders, the leaders of their people.
Who Makes a home for the childless woman and joy for the mother of children. Hallelukah!"