Aid to Mace Bear Spray - How, When and Why
Many people enjoy going on camping trips in wooded areas. Some enjoy going for nature hikes on trails, and even bicycling. They bring what they need for the situation such as the tent, sleeping bags, food and water, but do they bring any items that will help them defend themselves in case a bear decided to drop by for a visit? Majority do not even consider a bear a threat because they don't encounter them, but say one day they do, what would the camper do?
Mace Bear Pepper Spray is a necessary survival item when out in the wilderness. A bear can easily attack if you are in its space or it feels threatened by you. Making sure you have the pepper spray available will help avoid any attacks from bears and even other animals. The spray contains the same effective components that are found in human pepper sprays. There is a difference between the bear spray and regular pepper spray being that the EPA tests the animal sprays to ensure it is humane. Even though the spray will cause the animal to endure intense burning of the eyes, nose, and mouth, there is no permanent damage.
Try to avoid seeing a bear by making your presence known. Make a lot of noise and talk loudly. If you happen to encounter a bear, do not panic. Majority of run-ins will last only a minute or two. Bears will usually be more scared of you. Do not run away, since that might encourage it to chase you. Just because they are big does not mean they are slow. They can run faster then an Olympic sprinter!
Mace Bear Pepper Spray will come in handy when you feel threatened by a bear. The spray can shoot up to 30 feet away. It expels a cloud of fog so your aim doesn't have to be perfect. The can will empty within 5.4 seconds, being more than enough to take control of the situation. There is also a holster with a metal belt clip available so when you go on your forest adventures you can carry it along.
If you do not own Mace Bear Pepper Spray already, make it a priority to purchase it before your next nature outing. Be sure to remind your friends that they also need to have a plan on defending themselves. When owning Mace Bear Pepper Spray you and your loved ones will be safer and be able to enjoy the woods while being prepared against any dangerous encounters.
Mace Bear Pepper Spray is a necessary survival item when out in the wilderness. A bear can easily attack if you are in its space or it feels threatened by you. Making sure you have the pepper spray available will help avoid any attacks from bears and even other animals. The spray contains the same effective components that are found in human pepper sprays. There is a difference between the bear spray and regular pepper spray being that the EPA tests the animal sprays to ensure it is humane. Even though the spray will cause the animal to endure intense burning of the eyes, nose, and mouth, there is no permanent damage.
Try to avoid seeing a bear by making your presence known. Make a lot of noise and talk loudly. If you happen to encounter a bear, do not panic. Majority of run-ins will last only a minute or two. Bears will usually be more scared of you. Do not run away, since that might encourage it to chase you. Just because they are big does not mean they are slow. They can run faster then an Olympic sprinter!
Mace Bear Pepper Spray will come in handy when you feel threatened by a bear. The spray can shoot up to 30 feet away. It expels a cloud of fog so your aim doesn't have to be perfect. The can will empty within 5.4 seconds, being more than enough to take control of the situation. There is also a holster with a metal belt clip available so when you go on your forest adventures you can carry it along.
If you do not own Mace Bear Pepper Spray already, make it a priority to purchase it before your next nature outing. Be sure to remind your friends that they also need to have a plan on defending themselves. When owning Mace Bear Pepper Spray you and your loved ones will be safer and be able to enjoy the woods while being prepared against any dangerous encounters.