How to Lose Weight Forever - Regime Dukan - Doing the Dukan
The Dukan diet has been France's best kept slimming secret, but the word is finally out and people all over the world are enjoying the revolutionary success that can be gained from following and adhering strictly to this protein power diet plan- Dieting just once a week.
The Dukan diet (Regime Dukan) can help you stay slim forever while you eat whatever you like for six days of the week, but must eat nothing but protein for the remaining one day of the week for the rest of your life.
The regime is built around a four step diet plan that incorporates Protein as the key element that brings about this sustainable and stabilised weight loss strategy.
The four steps are listed below in the correct progressive order: 1.
ATTACK: This is the first step and is a lightening strike to kick start the weight loss process.
First, you will have to decide how much weight you want to lose, this will determine how long you remain on the attack phase.
Eg, less than 10lb, stay in attack phase for one day; 20-40lb to lose, stay for 5 days.
Etc, etc.
During the Attack phase, you are NOT allowed to eat any fatty foods like pork, lamb, goose and duck.
However, you are allowed to eat as much as you like of the foods that are permitted.
Permitted foods include boiled or poached eggs, omelettes without oil or butter.
No more than four egg yolks a week.
No restriction on egg whites.
Roast beef, steaks and tenderloin.
Smoked salmon, all shellfish and crab sticks.
Skinless chicken, lean sliced ham, veal cutlets.
Fat free yogurts, fromage frais and cottage cheese.
CRUISE: You should ideally get down to your target weight during this phase.
The Cruise consists of two alternating diets; only pure protein one day, and vegetables plus pure protein the next, and repeated throughout the week(s).
Expect to lose around 20lb in two months.
''Each cycle of the alternating diet works like the injection-combustion of a two speed engine, burning up its calorie quota'' says Dr Dukan.
Each day, you can eat in unlimited quantity, and at any time of day the authorised foods permitted during this phase.
Foods authorised include all the Attack phase protein foods and Vegetables such as broccoli, sprouts, tomatoes, cucumbers, leeks, asparagus, courgettes, peppers, etc, etc.
Forbidden vegetables include anything starchy eg, potatoes, corns, lentils, beans, and peas 3.
CONSOLIDATION: This is the phase when dieters are much more vulnerable to lapse into weight rebound once they achieve their desired (target) weight.
The dukan diet (Regime Dukan) guides you through this phase by reinforcing all that you learnt during the last two phases.
''Your new weight will only truly be yours if you take the time to control it'' says Dr Dukan.
''You need to make peace with your body, which is just waiting for the opportunity to replenish its fat reserves''.
Dieters must stay on the consolidation phase for a strictly prescribed time.
This is set at five days for each pound lost.
In addition to the authorised foods, there is also a celebration meal incorporated into this phase.
The foods include unlimited Attack and Cruise proteins and vegetables, two servings of starchy foods per week, one serving of fruit per day, lean leg of lamb, etc.
Celebration meals are allowed once a week during the first half of the consolidation phase, and then, up to two meals a week during the second half.
The celebration meals allows you to eat whatever you like of one starter, one main course, one dessert, and one glass of wine.
These should all be in reasonable quantity.
STABILISATION: Now you have reached your desired weight and have consolidated and made peace with your body, you can return to a normal lifestyle where you can eat what you want only if you follow four simple rules: i.
Commit to eating nothing but pure protein for one day a week for the rest of your life ii.
Use stairs instead of lifts and escalators, and walk for 20 minutes a day.
Use the consolidation foods as your safety net, which you can fall back on if you start to regain weight.
Take three tablespoons of oat bran a day for life.
Remember that your success on the Dukan Diet is dependent on strictly following all the laid down rules, eating the authorised foods, exercising regularly, and using your common sense.
If a food is not on the list, it is not allowed.
Be disciplined and no straying.
The Dukan diet (Regime Dukan) can help you stay slim forever while you eat whatever you like for six days of the week, but must eat nothing but protein for the remaining one day of the week for the rest of your life.
The regime is built around a four step diet plan that incorporates Protein as the key element that brings about this sustainable and stabilised weight loss strategy.
The four steps are listed below in the correct progressive order: 1.
ATTACK: This is the first step and is a lightening strike to kick start the weight loss process.
First, you will have to decide how much weight you want to lose, this will determine how long you remain on the attack phase.
Eg, less than 10lb, stay in attack phase for one day; 20-40lb to lose, stay for 5 days.
Etc, etc.
During the Attack phase, you are NOT allowed to eat any fatty foods like pork, lamb, goose and duck.
However, you are allowed to eat as much as you like of the foods that are permitted.
Permitted foods include boiled or poached eggs, omelettes without oil or butter.
No more than four egg yolks a week.
No restriction on egg whites.
Roast beef, steaks and tenderloin.
Smoked salmon, all shellfish and crab sticks.
Skinless chicken, lean sliced ham, veal cutlets.
Fat free yogurts, fromage frais and cottage cheese.
CRUISE: You should ideally get down to your target weight during this phase.
The Cruise consists of two alternating diets; only pure protein one day, and vegetables plus pure protein the next, and repeated throughout the week(s).
Expect to lose around 20lb in two months.
''Each cycle of the alternating diet works like the injection-combustion of a two speed engine, burning up its calorie quota'' says Dr Dukan.
Each day, you can eat in unlimited quantity, and at any time of day the authorised foods permitted during this phase.
Foods authorised include all the Attack phase protein foods and Vegetables such as broccoli, sprouts, tomatoes, cucumbers, leeks, asparagus, courgettes, peppers, etc, etc.
Forbidden vegetables include anything starchy eg, potatoes, corns, lentils, beans, and peas 3.
CONSOLIDATION: This is the phase when dieters are much more vulnerable to lapse into weight rebound once they achieve their desired (target) weight.
The dukan diet (Regime Dukan) guides you through this phase by reinforcing all that you learnt during the last two phases.
''Your new weight will only truly be yours if you take the time to control it'' says Dr Dukan.
''You need to make peace with your body, which is just waiting for the opportunity to replenish its fat reserves''.
Dieters must stay on the consolidation phase for a strictly prescribed time.
This is set at five days for each pound lost.
In addition to the authorised foods, there is also a celebration meal incorporated into this phase.
The foods include unlimited Attack and Cruise proteins and vegetables, two servings of starchy foods per week, one serving of fruit per day, lean leg of lamb, etc.
Celebration meals are allowed once a week during the first half of the consolidation phase, and then, up to two meals a week during the second half.
The celebration meals allows you to eat whatever you like of one starter, one main course, one dessert, and one glass of wine.
These should all be in reasonable quantity.
STABILISATION: Now you have reached your desired weight and have consolidated and made peace with your body, you can return to a normal lifestyle where you can eat what you want only if you follow four simple rules: i.
Commit to eating nothing but pure protein for one day a week for the rest of your life ii.
Use stairs instead of lifts and escalators, and walk for 20 minutes a day.
Use the consolidation foods as your safety net, which you can fall back on if you start to regain weight.
Take three tablespoons of oat bran a day for life.
Remember that your success on the Dukan Diet is dependent on strictly following all the laid down rules, eating the authorised foods, exercising regularly, and using your common sense.
If a food is not on the list, it is not allowed.
Be disciplined and no straying.