Three Easy Ways to Avoid Getting Cancer
Cancer is an affliction that impacts every country in the world.
There are many factor involved when it comes to cancer, such as diet, genetics, age and proximity to carcinogens (something that can help to cause cancer).
Since I can't change your genes, or your age, and you should be eating a healthy diet to begin with, I will simply discuss three ways you can avoid carcinogens to lower your risk of cancer.
To begin, learn all about sun safety.
The sun can cause skin cancer (one of the deadliest forms of cancer) and fortunately it can be easily avoided.
There are over a million cases of skin cancer in the United States alone each and every year.
The UV (ultraviolet) rays from the sun are what causes cancer in your skin, so stick to the shade, wear clothing that can protect you and your skin, and/or use sunscreen.
What would you rather have, a nice tan, or twenty extra years to spend with your family? When deciding to pick a sunscreen, stay away from oxybenzone and Methoxycinnamate as they are known endocrine disrupters and can also cause cancer.
An SPF of 30 is more than enough for anyone.
Second, is a quick look at food.
Lower your intake of high-fat dairy products and fatty meat.
Dioxins and PCBs contain long-lasting cancer-causing pollutants and accumulate in the food chain, concentrating themselves in animal fat.
Eat less of them, or opt for organic meat instead.
Organic meat is fed a vegetarian diet that does not include the chemicals, so it is better for you, although a lot more expensive than conventional meat.
Unfortunately when it comes to healthy meat, it is going to cost you.
A small price to pay for being healthy and lowering your risk for cancer I always say.
My third and last way of avoiding cancer is to stay away from pesticides! Many pesticides have been linked to cancer.
Thankfully, not all vegetables and fruit have pesticides in them.
Certain kinds are fine, such as onions, avocados, pineapples, mango, asparagus, kiwi, cabbage, eggplant, cantaloupe and water melon.
Unfortunately celery, peaches, strawberries, apples, blueberries, nectarines, sweet bell peppers, spinach, cherries, kale, potatoes, grapes and lettuce should not be eaten at all unless they are organic.
They all contain toxic levels of pesticides.
Eliminating these fruits and vegetables from an elementary school drastically lowered the presence of toxins in the children in as little as three days.
Do yourself a favor and buy them organic, they aren't that much more expensive.
Rice, pasta and nuts are fine to eat.
Taking a quick look at your life and deciding how you can apply these strategies can literally lower your risk of getting cancer in the future.
I think that all three are easy enough, and even though organic food is more expensive, aren't you worth it? I think you are, and I bet I'm not alone in that.
Anyone that loves you would love to have you around longer.
There are many factor involved when it comes to cancer, such as diet, genetics, age and proximity to carcinogens (something that can help to cause cancer).
Since I can't change your genes, or your age, and you should be eating a healthy diet to begin with, I will simply discuss three ways you can avoid carcinogens to lower your risk of cancer.
To begin, learn all about sun safety.
The sun can cause skin cancer (one of the deadliest forms of cancer) and fortunately it can be easily avoided.
There are over a million cases of skin cancer in the United States alone each and every year.
The UV (ultraviolet) rays from the sun are what causes cancer in your skin, so stick to the shade, wear clothing that can protect you and your skin, and/or use sunscreen.
What would you rather have, a nice tan, or twenty extra years to spend with your family? When deciding to pick a sunscreen, stay away from oxybenzone and Methoxycinnamate as they are known endocrine disrupters and can also cause cancer.
An SPF of 30 is more than enough for anyone.
Second, is a quick look at food.
Lower your intake of high-fat dairy products and fatty meat.
Dioxins and PCBs contain long-lasting cancer-causing pollutants and accumulate in the food chain, concentrating themselves in animal fat.
Eat less of them, or opt for organic meat instead.
Organic meat is fed a vegetarian diet that does not include the chemicals, so it is better for you, although a lot more expensive than conventional meat.
Unfortunately when it comes to healthy meat, it is going to cost you.
A small price to pay for being healthy and lowering your risk for cancer I always say.
My third and last way of avoiding cancer is to stay away from pesticides! Many pesticides have been linked to cancer.
Thankfully, not all vegetables and fruit have pesticides in them.
Certain kinds are fine, such as onions, avocados, pineapples, mango, asparagus, kiwi, cabbage, eggplant, cantaloupe and water melon.
Unfortunately celery, peaches, strawberries, apples, blueberries, nectarines, sweet bell peppers, spinach, cherries, kale, potatoes, grapes and lettuce should not be eaten at all unless they are organic.
They all contain toxic levels of pesticides.
Eliminating these fruits and vegetables from an elementary school drastically lowered the presence of toxins in the children in as little as three days.
Do yourself a favor and buy them organic, they aren't that much more expensive.
Rice, pasta and nuts are fine to eat.
Taking a quick look at your life and deciding how you can apply these strategies can literally lower your risk of getting cancer in the future.
I think that all three are easy enough, and even though organic food is more expensive, aren't you worth it? I think you are, and I bet I'm not alone in that.
Anyone that loves you would love to have you around longer.