How to Remove Clothes and Jewelry From a Patient
- 1). Approach the patient and ask if she would like your assistance in removing her clothing, so that she can proceed with changing or bathing. You should never attempt to start taking off someone's clothes without notifying her what you are doing first and asking for her permission.
- 2). Locate the patient's earrings, necklace and other jewelry and ask if you can remove these items first, so that the jewelry will not get tangled in the clothes as you remove items. Ask the patient if she would like to put the items away, or if she would like you to put the items away. Allow the patient to take the lead so that she feels she is in control of the situation. If she asks you to put the items away show the patient that you are placing the jewelry back in the jewelry box or on the shelf that she prefers to keep her jewelry on.
- 3). Place a blanket or towel next to the patient. Use this item to cover the patient and provide privacy while all his clothing is being removed. This also helps to keep the patient warm and to allow the patient to feel more comfortable while getting help removing items from his body.
- 4). Inform the patient that it is time to remove the shoes and socks. Allow the patient to complete as much of the task as he can. Bend down and untie the shoes and remove them from his feet. Remove his socks also.
- 5). Ask the patient if you can remove her pants. Unbutton her pants and help her into a position where you can remove the pants and undergarments from her body. If the patient can stand have her stand while you remove her pants. If the patient is not mobile you can let her lie down on a bed and help her by pulling her pants down and off. Cover the lower half of her body with the towel or blanket.
- 6). Remove the patient's shirt by unbuttoning or unzipping it and then lifting the shirt up over the patient's back and shoulders. Allow the patient to help as much as possible. Remove any undergarments that are under the shirt at this time, including the patient's bra or undershirt.
- 7). Cover the patient's chest and stomach area with your blanket or towel to allow the patient as much privacy as possible, and to keep him as warm.