The Varieties of Hens & Chicks
- Most people are familiar with this variety of chicken via classic children's animated shorts featuring the character Foghorn Leghorn. Poultry fanciers celebrate this breed for its exceptional egg-laying ability; farmers who enjoy omelettes are likely to own several of them. This chicken is aloof and tends to avoid people unless socialized with humans from an early chick age. The leghorn rooster flaunts a princely rouge crest on top of his head. Hens also behave elegantly.
- Silkies are an ornamental variety of chicken, meaning they are prized for their appearance as opposed to their flesh. Silkie feathers lack the barbs that hold the strands together, as in other chickens; this gives the feathers the feel of almost human hair and sheen. They have black skin, more easily seen on chicks. Silkies are famous for a charming and inclusive personality. Roosters and hens have been known to take in others' chicks, including ducklings.
- Modern game chickens have the sleek and muscular appearance of such ancient hunters as velociraptors; fortunately, their demeanor is much more agreeable. This ornamental chicken has moxie and fearlessness. Their personality and unique styling make them popular in poultry exhibition shows. Their tough feathering and lack of fluff makes them easily susceptible to the cold. In multiple chicken communities, modern games frequently rank high in the pecking order. This breed also makes for an ideal companion for people.
- The name of this variety of poultry refers to bonnets made of lace and worn by women in Switzerland. That description is helpful when imagining the regal and intricate appearance of the appenzeller. Among other chickens, this breed is a powerful flier and boasts an amiable, contended personality. Their feathers come spangled in black and white, complete with a bobbling crest atop the head. An adequate egg-layer, spitzes have a clean, quiet, yet affectionate, demeanor.
Modern Game
Appenzeller Spitzhauben