Marc Antony and Julius Caesar Costumes-A Perfect Couples Costume for Cleopatra
Did you decide to be Cleopatra this year at a costume function? Do you want to go as a couple? Well your guy will love the fact he can be one of two very famous people in history.
Both Marc Anthony and Julius Caesar were part of Cleopatra's life. But in there own right they were historical figures in the Roman Empire. If your guy needs encouragement to decide on one of these two costumes, let him know the historical significance of both of these men.
Here is a small summary of the lives of each of these great military and political leaders.
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar was born in Rome in 100 BC. His family were Aristocrats. At an early age he began his career in the military. He fought many battles in several wars after putting together his own private army.
In that era, military and the government offices were often held together. Caesar was elected to a small position in 69 BC and soon held other positions under Pompey. While he was making his way up the ladder in popularity with high government officials he also was becoming well liked among the Romans. After proving himself, he was put in charge of Gaul, which now is France and Belgium.
Caesar built a huge military force that had several large campaigns. Winning these campaigns led to a huge expansion of the Roman Empire. Eventually he went to war against Pompey in 49 BC when he followed Pompey into Egypt. He won against Pompey.
It is at this point when Caesar became involved with an Egyptian civil war between a child pharaoh and his sister, Cleopatra. He made Cleopatra the ruler of Egypt. Even though Caesar was married, he formed a relationship with Cleopatra that lasted until his death and they produced a son, Caesarion.
When Caesar returned to Rome he was pronounced dictator for life. He was dictator for one year before he was assassinated. However, in that short time he managed to change he reformed the senate, relieved debt, made the Roman calendar and reorganized the government. He died in 44 BC.
He never married Cleopatra, but they often were together. Even if he had the opportunity he could never have married her because she was not a Roman.
Marc Antony
Marc Antony was born in 83 BC. He was related to Julius Caesar. His mothers cousin happened to be Julius Caesar.
In 58 BC he went to Athens to study philosophy. In 54 BC he became a staff officer in one of Julius Caesars armies. He soon became a lieutenant and remained in Italy while Caesar was dictator in Rome.
After Caesar was assassinated, Marc Antony went after Caesar's assassins. When they were killed he left to govern the east.
In 41 BC, he summoned Cleopatra to south Turkey where he was. They formed a relationship after he won her heart and he followed her back to Alexandria to spend the winter of 41 BC-40 BC. Soon after that winter, Cleopatra had twins.
In the spring Antony had to return to Rome after hearing of his wife's involvement in civil strife with Octavian. She died before he returned. He then married Octavian's sister. After Caesar's death, Antony was in constant battle over controlling Rome with Gaius Octavius who was Caesar's own great-nephew.
Marc Anthony spent the rest of his life in the military leading campaigns. At one point he desperately needed money for his army and went to back to Alexandria to Cleopatra who gave him financial assistance.
In 31 BC Marc and Cleopatra combined their armies to fight against Octavius. They reunited their love affair and got married. Marc Antony continued to be in charge of his army and he fought many battles against Octavius. In the middle of one such battle Antony learned that Cleopatra had died. Not knowing this to be false, he was so despondent that he committed suicide. On hearing the news, Cleopatra herself committed suicide two days later.
The two were buried together. The consequence was that Egypt became under the rule of the Roman Empire under Octavius.
While there seem to be many versions of this story, the one thing that runs constant is that both men loved Cleopatra. Both of these men were strong, smart and very personable.
Both Marc Anthony and Julius Caesar were part of Cleopatra's life. But in there own right they were historical figures in the Roman Empire. If your guy needs encouragement to decide on one of these two costumes, let him know the historical significance of both of these men.
Here is a small summary of the lives of each of these great military and political leaders.
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar was born in Rome in 100 BC. His family were Aristocrats. At an early age he began his career in the military. He fought many battles in several wars after putting together his own private army.
In that era, military and the government offices were often held together. Caesar was elected to a small position in 69 BC and soon held other positions under Pompey. While he was making his way up the ladder in popularity with high government officials he also was becoming well liked among the Romans. After proving himself, he was put in charge of Gaul, which now is France and Belgium.
Caesar built a huge military force that had several large campaigns. Winning these campaigns led to a huge expansion of the Roman Empire. Eventually he went to war against Pompey in 49 BC when he followed Pompey into Egypt. He won against Pompey.
It is at this point when Caesar became involved with an Egyptian civil war between a child pharaoh and his sister, Cleopatra. He made Cleopatra the ruler of Egypt. Even though Caesar was married, he formed a relationship with Cleopatra that lasted until his death and they produced a son, Caesarion.
When Caesar returned to Rome he was pronounced dictator for life. He was dictator for one year before he was assassinated. However, in that short time he managed to change he reformed the senate, relieved debt, made the Roman calendar and reorganized the government. He died in 44 BC.
He never married Cleopatra, but they often were together. Even if he had the opportunity he could never have married her because she was not a Roman.
Marc Antony
Marc Antony was born in 83 BC. He was related to Julius Caesar. His mothers cousin happened to be Julius Caesar.
In 58 BC he went to Athens to study philosophy. In 54 BC he became a staff officer in one of Julius Caesars armies. He soon became a lieutenant and remained in Italy while Caesar was dictator in Rome.
After Caesar was assassinated, Marc Antony went after Caesar's assassins. When they were killed he left to govern the east.
In 41 BC, he summoned Cleopatra to south Turkey where he was. They formed a relationship after he won her heart and he followed her back to Alexandria to spend the winter of 41 BC-40 BC. Soon after that winter, Cleopatra had twins.
In the spring Antony had to return to Rome after hearing of his wife's involvement in civil strife with Octavian. She died before he returned. He then married Octavian's sister. After Caesar's death, Antony was in constant battle over controlling Rome with Gaius Octavius who was Caesar's own great-nephew.
Marc Anthony spent the rest of his life in the military leading campaigns. At one point he desperately needed money for his army and went to back to Alexandria to Cleopatra who gave him financial assistance.
In 31 BC Marc and Cleopatra combined their armies to fight against Octavius. They reunited their love affair and got married. Marc Antony continued to be in charge of his army and he fought many battles against Octavius. In the middle of one such battle Antony learned that Cleopatra had died. Not knowing this to be false, he was so despondent that he committed suicide. On hearing the news, Cleopatra herself committed suicide two days later.
The two were buried together. The consequence was that Egypt became under the rule of the Roman Empire under Octavius.
While there seem to be many versions of this story, the one thing that runs constant is that both men loved Cleopatra. Both of these men were strong, smart and very personable.