Make the Switch! The Art of Switching Jobs
Are you having a hard time getting out of bed in the morning knowing that you are actually heading to the place that you hate the most? Is your current job negatively affecting your personal life? Do you feel unappreciated in your current job even though you work hard everyday? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then are you ready to quit? Ideally, the answer would also be "yes".
However, real life circumstances are often a lot more complicated.
Most people who work in a job they actually hate choose not to quit right away, maybe because of the paycheck they get or maybe because they are worried they aren't competent enough for the job they really want to do.
There are all sorts of reasons or excuses for not seeking out a "dream job".
However, finding the job that you have always wanted is closer than you might think, if you can only prepare yourself properly.
You must know someone who has gone from job to job, always leaving because they were unhappy.
This person would always find themselves at a new job that also made them unhappy, simply because they didn't take the time to figure out what it was about their current job that they didn't like.
Let us explore the steps that you should take to make sure that your career transition is smooth and that you are fully prepared for the switch.
Assess your Situation You must truly understand the reasons behind the dissatisfaction with your current job, and you will have to ask yourself a few critical questions before starting the search for new employment.
If you don't, you might end up in a situation with similar problems.
Questions such as: Why am I not happy? What motivates me? Is the current work environment a healthy one? Is the current job too stressful? Are there any better opportunities out there? Am I fairly paid? Once you have answered these questions (and others you might think of) sincerely and objectively, ask yourself whether you are willing to try and make your current situation work.
Once you have identified the problems, it becomes easier for you to try and solve them.
In many cases, a conversation with your boss, a change in attitude or an increase in responsibility could be all that is needed to give you job satisfaction.
If, after some thorough reflection, you still decide that you need to take a break from your current situation, proceed armed with the knowledge of what you DON'T want from your next job in addition to what you DO want.
Get to Know Yourself - Take the MBTI Personality Test The next critical junction in your job-switching journey is to determine your strengths and weaknesses in a career context, in addition to what environment you like to work in.
Are you happiest working in teams, or alone? Do you enjoy motivating others or do you prefer to be motivated? Do you work well under pressure? Do you like to be given strict deadlines or general milestones? Knowing your own work style and how well you fit within a certain type of company gives you a more realistic expectation of your next potential job.
The best way to understand your personality type is to take an official MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator).
The results of the test will give you a full analysis of your strengths and blind spots within a career context and will help you overcome your miscommunication issues at work.
Explore Your Options Nowadays, job seekers (and even job switchers) are spending hours on the Internet looking for new career opportunities.
Take the time to read this information and thoroughly analyze the company and the job before applying to it.
Also keep in mind that the competition is fierce, so try and increase your chances for a successful application by refining your search and applying only to relevant jobs.
The Power of Networking Another valuable career search tool is "networking".
This means you purposefully develop relationships with others in order to expand your social and professional sphere of influence.
Networking is an essential part of career exploration and job searching.
It is also a critical component of success in general.
Networking is usually done offline, but the internet today has developed a true online career network that will help you build and retain a professional network of business contacts to help you succeed at finding your dream job.
Be Honest With Your Current Boss Once you find a new job, you should talk to your boss about it.
Chances are that your current boss won't be too excited about your decision, but if you are sincere and honest about your reasons for wanting a change, most probably, your boss will understand.
Always be open to what your boss has to say at this point, and try to be respectful and to leave on a good note.
A former employer can be an incredibly helpful resource for you in your career, and it pays to leave on friendly terms.
It is always useful to have a former boss that is willing to give you a good recommendation and to put you in contact with the right people that can help you develop your career.
Give Proper Notice Once you have made up your mind to leave, be sure to give your employer the appropriate notice that is considered standard for your position.
The amount of notice will normally be set out in the contract with your current employer.
Typically, it is one month.
However, many senior positions will require that you provide even more notice before you leave.
Be aware of what your boss expects and give him or her as much time as you possibly can.
You should also make sure that your new employer is aware of this notice period as well as of any time you need to take off in between jobs.
Offer your Training Services Your current company has spent a lot of time and money training you and honing your working skills.
It will naturally cost them just as much time and money (if not more) to find a replacement for you and train them all over again.
In the spirit of cooperation and good relations, it will go a long way if you offer to train another employee prior to leaving.
After all, you would not want to leave your former co-workers in a state of confusion after you are gone.
Make a list of notes with tips that you have learned while at your current job and hand it over to your boss and the new employee that will replace you.
It will be greatly appreciated and noticed by the entire office.
Remember not to burn bridges, just make sure that you do what you can without inconveniencing yourself or your future employer.
Have you already made up your mind? Do you want to take the plunge and switch jobs? Just blast your CV to every employer in the market and they will take notice that you are aggressively seeking a job.
No matter what your reasons are, it is important to make your exit smooth for all parties involved.
While you may be moving on to a bigger and better position, your current employer still has a business to run.
You must maintain your professionalism at all times, no matter how much you feel like dropping everything and walking out the door today.
However, real life circumstances are often a lot more complicated.
Most people who work in a job they actually hate choose not to quit right away, maybe because of the paycheck they get or maybe because they are worried they aren't competent enough for the job they really want to do.
There are all sorts of reasons or excuses for not seeking out a "dream job".
However, finding the job that you have always wanted is closer than you might think, if you can only prepare yourself properly.
You must know someone who has gone from job to job, always leaving because they were unhappy.
This person would always find themselves at a new job that also made them unhappy, simply because they didn't take the time to figure out what it was about their current job that they didn't like.
Let us explore the steps that you should take to make sure that your career transition is smooth and that you are fully prepared for the switch.
Assess your Situation You must truly understand the reasons behind the dissatisfaction with your current job, and you will have to ask yourself a few critical questions before starting the search for new employment.
If you don't, you might end up in a situation with similar problems.
Questions such as: Why am I not happy? What motivates me? Is the current work environment a healthy one? Is the current job too stressful? Are there any better opportunities out there? Am I fairly paid? Once you have answered these questions (and others you might think of) sincerely and objectively, ask yourself whether you are willing to try and make your current situation work.
Once you have identified the problems, it becomes easier for you to try and solve them.
In many cases, a conversation with your boss, a change in attitude or an increase in responsibility could be all that is needed to give you job satisfaction.
If, after some thorough reflection, you still decide that you need to take a break from your current situation, proceed armed with the knowledge of what you DON'T want from your next job in addition to what you DO want.
Get to Know Yourself - Take the MBTI Personality Test The next critical junction in your job-switching journey is to determine your strengths and weaknesses in a career context, in addition to what environment you like to work in.
Are you happiest working in teams, or alone? Do you enjoy motivating others or do you prefer to be motivated? Do you work well under pressure? Do you like to be given strict deadlines or general milestones? Knowing your own work style and how well you fit within a certain type of company gives you a more realistic expectation of your next potential job.
The best way to understand your personality type is to take an official MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator).
The results of the test will give you a full analysis of your strengths and blind spots within a career context and will help you overcome your miscommunication issues at work.
Explore Your Options Nowadays, job seekers (and even job switchers) are spending hours on the Internet looking for new career opportunities.
Take the time to read this information and thoroughly analyze the company and the job before applying to it.
Also keep in mind that the competition is fierce, so try and increase your chances for a successful application by refining your search and applying only to relevant jobs.
The Power of Networking Another valuable career search tool is "networking".
This means you purposefully develop relationships with others in order to expand your social and professional sphere of influence.
Networking is an essential part of career exploration and job searching.
It is also a critical component of success in general.
Networking is usually done offline, but the internet today has developed a true online career network that will help you build and retain a professional network of business contacts to help you succeed at finding your dream job.
Be Honest With Your Current Boss Once you find a new job, you should talk to your boss about it.
Chances are that your current boss won't be too excited about your decision, but if you are sincere and honest about your reasons for wanting a change, most probably, your boss will understand.
Always be open to what your boss has to say at this point, and try to be respectful and to leave on a good note.
A former employer can be an incredibly helpful resource for you in your career, and it pays to leave on friendly terms.
It is always useful to have a former boss that is willing to give you a good recommendation and to put you in contact with the right people that can help you develop your career.
Give Proper Notice Once you have made up your mind to leave, be sure to give your employer the appropriate notice that is considered standard for your position.
The amount of notice will normally be set out in the contract with your current employer.
Typically, it is one month.
However, many senior positions will require that you provide even more notice before you leave.
Be aware of what your boss expects and give him or her as much time as you possibly can.
You should also make sure that your new employer is aware of this notice period as well as of any time you need to take off in between jobs.
Offer your Training Services Your current company has spent a lot of time and money training you and honing your working skills.
It will naturally cost them just as much time and money (if not more) to find a replacement for you and train them all over again.
In the spirit of cooperation and good relations, it will go a long way if you offer to train another employee prior to leaving.
After all, you would not want to leave your former co-workers in a state of confusion after you are gone.
Make a list of notes with tips that you have learned while at your current job and hand it over to your boss and the new employee that will replace you.
It will be greatly appreciated and noticed by the entire office.
Remember not to burn bridges, just make sure that you do what you can without inconveniencing yourself or your future employer.
Have you already made up your mind? Do you want to take the plunge and switch jobs? Just blast your CV to every employer in the market and they will take notice that you are aggressively seeking a job.
No matter what your reasons are, it is important to make your exit smooth for all parties involved.
While you may be moving on to a bigger and better position, your current employer still has a business to run.
You must maintain your professionalism at all times, no matter how much you feel like dropping everything and walking out the door today.