The Fair Claims Settlement Act
- All types of insurance claims apply under the act except the following: worker's compensation insurance, liability insurance for malpractice of health-care professionals, self-insured or funded plans that are not multiple-employer welfare arrangements and any other plan which is lawfully conducting business but is not covered by insurance.
- The Fair Claims Settlement Act states that an insurer must tell the person benefiting from the insurance about all aspects of coverage. It also states that no insurer will deny coverage when a claimant cannot exhibit property. This does not apply when the insurer's demand for property is properly documented and the claimant refuses.
- The act prohibits insurers from requesting that a person sign a waiver that will effect the claim payment or effect the claimant's protection under California civil code, unless the waiver has been fully explained. This rule does not apply if there is an attorney present.
Applicable Insurance Claims
Waiver Regulations