Roof Restoration: Safety Cleaning Tips
Roof cleaning is not really part of roof restoration for most of homeowners. Restoration for them is more like repairing or having a whole new roof. Yes, it is expensive and can actually take much of your time. However, it's effect and to your home is more than what you expect. It will not actually be expensive unless the damage or the restoration need for your roof is already a big problem. Avoid certain causes of harm to your roof by regular cleaning.
Regular cleaning requires time and effort too, because washing with water alone or water with solvent is not enough. You need to look for any dirt and have it remove. Here are the cleaning tips you can apply for your roof restoration needs and even if you call a roof professional to do the cleaning for you, discuss these with them. You might be surprised they are following the same procedures.
Repair any leaks – repair any leaks first. If the leaks are unrepaired and when the roof is washed with water, possibility will allow the water to come inside the house.
Enough water pressure – Most roof contractors' uses water to remove dirt from roof, usually pressure water with 3000 psi or more. 2000 psi is also sufficient enough with a spray nozzle. Water pressure adds life to your roof as it prevents accumulation of fungus and or moss.
Proper Equipments – use an eye protection, gloves and right clothing. An eye protection is to prevent the water to directly enter your eyes when accidents occur. Gloves and proper is important too. Since you will be using water, the roof will be slippery. When a roof contractor will do the roof cleaning, make sure that the proper equipments and gear are worn to avert any injuries.
Quality Detergent – Do not use bleach, as this can result to discoloration of your roof. Plus, it streaks down and can kill plants. It will also damage your washer and spray. Instead use a quality detergent which is friendly to your roof and to the environment. There are products that thoroughly clean and removes algae and moss.
Quality Contractors – Always call for roof contractors that provide only high quality service. Check any pictures or portfolios to compare any difference before and after the roof was cleaned. Without any pictures or evidences, then probably they do not have any effort to completely clean your roof.
Roof restoration in any form is expensive. From roof painting, coating, or tile damage renovation, but cleaning the roof must not be deprived. If you can do the cleaning by yourself, always remember the safety tips and future accidents will be avoided.
Regular cleaning requires time and effort too, because washing with water alone or water with solvent is not enough. You need to look for any dirt and have it remove. Here are the cleaning tips you can apply for your roof restoration needs and even if you call a roof professional to do the cleaning for you, discuss these with them. You might be surprised they are following the same procedures.
Repair any leaks – repair any leaks first. If the leaks are unrepaired and when the roof is washed with water, possibility will allow the water to come inside the house.
Enough water pressure – Most roof contractors' uses water to remove dirt from roof, usually pressure water with 3000 psi or more. 2000 psi is also sufficient enough with a spray nozzle. Water pressure adds life to your roof as it prevents accumulation of fungus and or moss.
Proper Equipments – use an eye protection, gloves and right clothing. An eye protection is to prevent the water to directly enter your eyes when accidents occur. Gloves and proper is important too. Since you will be using water, the roof will be slippery. When a roof contractor will do the roof cleaning, make sure that the proper equipments and gear are worn to avert any injuries.
Quality Detergent – Do not use bleach, as this can result to discoloration of your roof. Plus, it streaks down and can kill plants. It will also damage your washer and spray. Instead use a quality detergent which is friendly to your roof and to the environment. There are products that thoroughly clean and removes algae and moss.
Quality Contractors – Always call for roof contractors that provide only high quality service. Check any pictures or portfolios to compare any difference before and after the roof was cleaned. Without any pictures or evidences, then probably they do not have any effort to completely clean your roof.
Roof restoration in any form is expensive. From roof painting, coating, or tile damage renovation, but cleaning the roof must not be deprived. If you can do the cleaning by yourself, always remember the safety tips and future accidents will be avoided.