Find The Right And The Needed Curve For Your Diabetes And Its Cure!
Type 1:
Common type 1 diabetes symptoms
The chief cause of type-1 diabetes still remains unknown, however, scientists have discovered that the immune system in individuals who suffer from diabetes, mistakenly destroys islet cells located in the pancreas. It is also widely believed that hereditary factors play a crucial role in triggering the onset of the disease in successive generations.
Urge/ Frequent Urination - This is perhaps one of the most common type-1 diabetes symptoms which recur almost throughout the lifetime of the victim. This may become more noticeable at night. Young kids may experience bed wetting also at night.
Increased thirst- Patients also experience extreme thirst which is often accompanied by dryness of the mouth. Thirst is triggered by excess sugar in the bloodstream which causes fluids to be absorbed from body tissues. In effect, this causes the diabetic person to feel thirsty prompting him/her to drink unusual amounts of water.
Extreme hunger- Because of insulin deficiency, the cells cannot get enough supply of glucose the muscles and body organs experience depletion of energy. In effect, this triggers hunger which may persist for several hours even after consuming a meal. Low production of insulin therefore means that blood sugar never reaches body tissues which are starved of energy.
Unexplained weight loss- Is one of the common type 1 diabetes symptoms. Patients of diabetes may also lose weight quickly over a short period of time. This happens in spite of the fact that the diabetic person eats more than usual in order to relieve the intense hunger. When the tissues are starved of energy, the muscle tissues and stored fat stores also diminishes.
Poor vision- Normally results from high blood sugar which in effect drains fluid away from tissues including the eye lenses. This affects the lenses and may lead to diminished focus and thus blurred vision.
Diabetic ketoacidosis (fatty acids)- It is also worthy to note that as the blood sugar level increases with diminished production of insulin, evidently, the cells lack glucose needed for energy. In this case, the body gradually breaks down fat plus muscle energy. Ketones (fatty acids) are produced and absorbed into the blood stream thus causing diabetic ketoacidosis which is a chemical imbalance with dire consequences.
Tiredness- The victim also experiences fatigue because the cells have been deprived of glucose. This makes the person feel exhausted even when undertaking light tasks. This feeling of tiredness may be accompanied by bad temper.
When to consult a doctor for type 1 diabetes symptoms
Individuals who suspect they are experiencing this type of diabetes symptoms should consult their physicians. The physician will conduct some tests to ascertain whether you have already developed diabetes or you are at risk of developing the condition. As with other conditions, timely intervention can help in managing the symptoms of type 1 diabetes symptoms.
Type 2:
There are numerous type-2 diabetes cures out there but which one is the right one for you?
As you probably would guess, your diet or nutrition plan has a significant impact on lowering your blood sugar level and eventually curing type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 Diabetes Cures that Work
I am not going to lie to you and tell you that you do not have to exercise. Exercise is part of every quality health program and it is essential for normalizing your blood sugar levels. Start slow and work your way up. It will eventually become addicting in a matter of weeks.
However, this article is mainly about a simple nutritional plan you can follow. Here are some tips for curing your diabetes in 4 weeks.
Whole foods are important because of the higher fiber content and the nutritional benefits from the abundance of nutrients, minerals and vitamins.
For simple diabetes cure:
You should eat the following: fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, nuts, and seeds that are rich in fiber.
These fruits are strongly recommended: bananas, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, figs, grapefruit, pomegranate juice, granny smith apples (less sugar), and kiwi.
Vegetables are almost important because they have remarkably less sugar than fruit. Excellent vegetables include black beans, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, garlic, lettuce, spinach, onions, radishes, string beans, tomatoes, squash, and brown rice.
Protein is important because it has been shown that protein is needed for repairing cell's membranes to eventually accept insulin. You can get plenty of protein from seafood, fish, and lean meats like chicken, turkey, whey protein and beans. Try to avoid carbohydrates which will be converted to sugar by the body.
There are also numerous other types of herbs and foods that research has shown to increase the body's natural production of insulin. Thus, allowing your cells to naturally accept insulin. For instance, natural health research has found that taking cinnamon can be beneficial for treating type 2 diabetes. Try to take a half teaspoon of cinnamon powder each morning for 5 weeks. Be creative when adding to your meals and drinks.
Common type 1 diabetes symptoms
The chief cause of type-1 diabetes still remains unknown, however, scientists have discovered that the immune system in individuals who suffer from diabetes, mistakenly destroys islet cells located in the pancreas. It is also widely believed that hereditary factors play a crucial role in triggering the onset of the disease in successive generations.
Urge/ Frequent Urination - This is perhaps one of the most common type-1 diabetes symptoms which recur almost throughout the lifetime of the victim. This may become more noticeable at night. Young kids may experience bed wetting also at night.
Increased thirst- Patients also experience extreme thirst which is often accompanied by dryness of the mouth. Thirst is triggered by excess sugar in the bloodstream which causes fluids to be absorbed from body tissues. In effect, this causes the diabetic person to feel thirsty prompting him/her to drink unusual amounts of water.
Extreme hunger- Because of insulin deficiency, the cells cannot get enough supply of glucose the muscles and body organs experience depletion of energy. In effect, this triggers hunger which may persist for several hours even after consuming a meal. Low production of insulin therefore means that blood sugar never reaches body tissues which are starved of energy.
Unexplained weight loss- Is one of the common type 1 diabetes symptoms. Patients of diabetes may also lose weight quickly over a short period of time. This happens in spite of the fact that the diabetic person eats more than usual in order to relieve the intense hunger. When the tissues are starved of energy, the muscle tissues and stored fat stores also diminishes.
Poor vision- Normally results from high blood sugar which in effect drains fluid away from tissues including the eye lenses. This affects the lenses and may lead to diminished focus and thus blurred vision.
Diabetic ketoacidosis (fatty acids)- It is also worthy to note that as the blood sugar level increases with diminished production of insulin, evidently, the cells lack glucose needed for energy. In this case, the body gradually breaks down fat plus muscle energy. Ketones (fatty acids) are produced and absorbed into the blood stream thus causing diabetic ketoacidosis which is a chemical imbalance with dire consequences.
Tiredness- The victim also experiences fatigue because the cells have been deprived of glucose. This makes the person feel exhausted even when undertaking light tasks. This feeling of tiredness may be accompanied by bad temper.
When to consult a doctor for type 1 diabetes symptoms
Individuals who suspect they are experiencing this type of diabetes symptoms should consult their physicians. The physician will conduct some tests to ascertain whether you have already developed diabetes or you are at risk of developing the condition. As with other conditions, timely intervention can help in managing the symptoms of type 1 diabetes symptoms.
Type 2:
There are numerous type-2 diabetes cures out there but which one is the right one for you?
As you probably would guess, your diet or nutrition plan has a significant impact on lowering your blood sugar level and eventually curing type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 Diabetes Cures that Work
I am not going to lie to you and tell you that you do not have to exercise. Exercise is part of every quality health program and it is essential for normalizing your blood sugar levels. Start slow and work your way up. It will eventually become addicting in a matter of weeks.
However, this article is mainly about a simple nutritional plan you can follow. Here are some tips for curing your diabetes in 4 weeks.
Whole foods are important because of the higher fiber content and the nutritional benefits from the abundance of nutrients, minerals and vitamins.
For simple diabetes cure:
You should eat the following: fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, nuts, and seeds that are rich in fiber.
These fruits are strongly recommended: bananas, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, figs, grapefruit, pomegranate juice, granny smith apples (less sugar), and kiwi.
Vegetables are almost important because they have remarkably less sugar than fruit. Excellent vegetables include black beans, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, garlic, lettuce, spinach, onions, radishes, string beans, tomatoes, squash, and brown rice.
Protein is important because it has been shown that protein is needed for repairing cell's membranes to eventually accept insulin. You can get plenty of protein from seafood, fish, and lean meats like chicken, turkey, whey protein and beans. Try to avoid carbohydrates which will be converted to sugar by the body.
There are also numerous other types of herbs and foods that research has shown to increase the body's natural production of insulin. Thus, allowing your cells to naturally accept insulin. For instance, natural health research has found that taking cinnamon can be beneficial for treating type 2 diabetes. Try to take a half teaspoon of cinnamon powder each morning for 5 weeks. Be creative when adding to your meals and drinks.