How Foods High in Potassium Can Lower Blood Pressure
- According to The Harvard Medical School there are two types of potassium that can lower blood pressure. Potassium Chloride is found in dietary supplements. Potassium Citrate is more natural and is a nutrient found in a variety of foods.
- According to Colorado State University, potassium helps to regulate the fluid balance in the body. Individuals with high blood pressure may have too much sodium in their diet or be extraordinarily sensitive to sodium. Potassium either in the form of a supplement or food may help remove excess fluid and sodium from an individual's body.
It is recommended that individuals get 4.7 mg of potassium daily. - The following foods are high in potassium:
Fresh fruits
Root vegetables
Dairy products
Types of Potassium that Lower Blood Pressure
How Does Potassium Decrease Blood Pressure?
Foods High in Potassium