Why Buy Long Term Care?
Thanks to the advances in modern medicine and the information available about exercise and proper nutrition, we are living longer.
Whereas a couple of generations ago few people lived past working age, they just died before getting much older.
But today some are living 20 + years in retirement.
They have worked hard, saved and planned so that the money would be here for them and they could afford a life style that they had become accustomed to.
Every coin has two sides.
Because of the advances in modern medicine accidents and illness that other generations would have died from we are able to live with.
Although we may be alive, we could be in a state where we cannot perform the activities of daily living.
Activities of Daily Living :
All of your hard work, savings and planning could soon become nonexistence.
The need for long term care may develop little by little; you may notice that you need more and more help bathing yourself, dressing, eating or any of the other activities of daily living.
You may have just had stroke or a heart attack and only need help for a short period of time until you recuperate or you may need help for a long period of time.
It is estimated that 1 out of every 2 adults will need long term care in their life time so along with all of your hard work, savings and planning be sure to plan for the unforeseen accident or illness that may leave you unable to perform the activities of daily living or you may want to rely on a national health plan for feeding, bathing and dressing but that's another subject for another time.
Whereas a couple of generations ago few people lived past working age, they just died before getting much older.
But today some are living 20 + years in retirement.
They have worked hard, saved and planned so that the money would be here for them and they could afford a life style that they had become accustomed to.
Every coin has two sides.
Because of the advances in modern medicine accidents and illness that other generations would have died from we are able to live with.
Although we may be alive, we could be in a state where we cannot perform the activities of daily living.
Activities of Daily Living :
- Bathing
- Continence
- Dressing
- Eating
- Toileting
- Transferring
All of your hard work, savings and planning could soon become nonexistence.
The need for long term care may develop little by little; you may notice that you need more and more help bathing yourself, dressing, eating or any of the other activities of daily living.
You may have just had stroke or a heart attack and only need help for a short period of time until you recuperate or you may need help for a long period of time.
It is estimated that 1 out of every 2 adults will need long term care in their life time so along with all of your hard work, savings and planning be sure to plan for the unforeseen accident or illness that may leave you unable to perform the activities of daily living or you may want to rely on a national health plan for feeding, bathing and dressing but that's another subject for another time.