Top Christian Songs
MercyMe and Sidewalk Prophets both saw their latest songs hit the charts 10 weeks ago. This week, they are the top songs in Christian music and they're joined by Kutless, who comes in with new music.
The official Top Christian Hits Chart is compiled by checking and averaging Christian charts and top playlists from all over the U.S. such as Billboard, Cashbox and Air 1 tofind the most popular songs.
Coming from The Generous Mr. Lovewell, "Move," which debuted 10 weeks ago, has a very Sgt. Pepper (Bee Gees version) sound, taking listeners back to the 80s.
"You Love Me Anyway" hit the chart 10 weeksagoand shotstraight to the top, making a hugue impact on fans both old and new,before starting to slide down. From These Simple Truths, the band's debut album, the country sounding ballad is a little slice of different from their pop sound.
In its third week in the Top 10, the second radio single from And If Our God Is For Us... makes all of the right moves. This is classic Chris Tomlin folks! This amazing song, co-written with Louie Giglio, is powerful stuff.
Moving down from #2. Jeremy Camp's latest single, "The Way," is from his 2010 release, We Cry Out: The Worship Project. The song was co-writtenwith Brad Peens (his brother-in-law) and ithas a real anthem feel toit that will make it popular in churches andyouth groups.
In week #13, "Blessings" is title track fromLaura's latest album. As powerful as a freight train,yet tender to the touch, thispiano-basedballadshares that we shouldn't look at blessings as awishlist thatGodchecks off for us. Instead, we should see theeveryday blessingsinthe littlemiracles around us instead of just expecting them -therefore not recognizing them as blessings at all.
"Do Everything," which we first heard five weeks ago, is the first single from Steven's new release, re:creation. Everything we do should bring a smile to God's face and Steven shares that message with us in a fun and upbeat way.
We first heard "Strong Enough" six weeks ago. The latest radio single from Matthew West's The Story of Your Life,"Strong Enough" gives us everything that we've come to expect from the music of Matthew West ... great vocals, perfect timing and lyricsthat resonate with our hearts.
Peter Furler's first single as a solo act debuted nine weeks ago onthe Weekly Top 10 at #7. Fun meets meaningand gives us a song that reminds usthat God reaches for us all ofthe time.
"Hold Me," which debuted 12 weeks ago, comes from newcomer and tobyMac find, Jamie Grace. If you'veeverwondered what would happen if you threw pop, R&B and hip hopinto a bowl, stirred it up and served it up with charm and an acoustic guitar,you've foundit with the fun "Hold Me."
Debuting this week, "Amazed" comes from 2009's It Is Well. One of the original songs on the worship album, the tune fits the worship genre, yet maintains a slight edge, making it easy to tell it's Kutless performing it.
The official Top Christian Hits Chart is compiled by checking and averaging Christian charts and top playlists from all over the U.S. such as Billboard, Cashbox and Air 1 tofind the most popular songs.
1. "Move" - MercyMe
Coming from The Generous Mr. Lovewell, "Move," which debuted 10 weeks ago, has a very Sgt. Pepper (Bee Gees version) sound, taking listeners back to the 80s.
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2. "You Love Me Anyway" - Sidewalk Prophets
"You Love Me Anyway" hit the chart 10 weeksagoand shotstraight to the top, making a hugue impact on fans both old and new,before starting to slide down. From These Simple Truths, the band's debut album, the country sounding ballad is a little slice of different from their pop sound.
- on These Simple Truths
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3. "I Lift My Hands" - Chris Tomlin
In its third week in the Top 10, the second radio single from And If Our God Is For Us... makes all of the right moves. This is classic Chris Tomlin folks! This amazing song, co-written with Louie Giglio, is powerful stuff.
- on And If Our God Is For Us
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4. "The Way" - Jeremy Camp
Moving down from #2. Jeremy Camp's latest single, "The Way," is from his 2010 release, We Cry Out: The Worship Project. The song was co-writtenwith Brad Peens (his brother-in-law) and ithas a real anthem feel toit that will make it popular in churches andyouth groups.
- on We Cry Out: The Worship Project
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- (Buy Direct) Jeremy Camp Concert Tickets
5. "Blessings" - Laura Story
In week #13, "Blessings" is title track fromLaura's latest album. As powerful as a freight train,yet tender to the touch, thispiano-basedballadshares that we shouldn't look at blessings as awishlist thatGodchecks off for us. Instead, we should see theeveryday blessingsinthe littlemiracles around us instead of just expecting them -therefore not recognizing them as blessings at all.
- on Blessings
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6. "Do Everything" - Steven Curtis Chapman
"Do Everything," which we first heard five weeks ago, is the first single from Steven's new release, re:creation. Everything we do should bring a smile to God's face and Steven shares that message with us in a fun and upbeat way.
- Watch the video of the story behind "Do Everything"
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- on re:creation
7. "Strong Enough" - Matthew West
We first heard "Strong Enough" six weeks ago. The latest radio single from Matthew West's The Story of Your Life,"Strong Enough" gives us everything that we've come to expect from the music of Matthew West ... great vocals, perfect timing and lyricsthat resonate with our hearts.
- on The Story of Your Life
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8. "Reach" - Peter Furler
Peter Furler's first single as a solo act debuted nine weeks ago onthe Weekly Top 10 at #7. Fun meets meaningand gives us a song that reminds usthat God reaches for us all ofthe time.
- on On Fire
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9. "Hold Me" - Jamie Grace f/ tobyMac
"Hold Me," which debuted 12 weeks ago, comes from newcomer and tobyMac find, Jamie Grace. If you'veeverwondered what would happen if you threw pop, R&B and hip hopinto a bowl, stirred it up and served it up with charm and an acoustic guitar,you've foundit with the fun "Hold Me."
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10. "Amazed" - Kutless
Debuting this week, "Amazed" comes from 2009's It Is Well. One of the original songs on the worship album, the tune fits the worship genre, yet maintains a slight edge, making it easy to tell it's Kutless performing it.
- More about Kutless
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- on It Is Well