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Why Evolution Cannot Be Fact

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Evolutionism is fading out, gasping for another breath.
It is sad that such an enormous amount of time and millions of dollars have been spent chasing an evanescent dream.
Yet it's proponents cling to the rotting carcass and will until they die with it.
It is also sad that these people have convinced so many people of influence that their hypothesis is a proven scientific fact, and our children must to hear it taught as such with impunity.
These same influential people refuse to allow any alternative views to be mentioned or discussed.
They know that their weak points will not bear up under scrutiny.
Their suppositions (which do not even qualify as a true hypotheses) face a roadblock around each curve they make.
Let's start at the very first.
"In the beginning a BIG BANG created the heavens and the earth somewhere between 13.
5 and 13.
7 billion years ago".
This idea had no evidence that created it, but rather, was the result of trying to find a stumbling block for the fact that their first two ideas faced dead ends.
When the questions arose in refuting the idea that the universe and all that is in it developed either from nothing or that matter had always existed...
had no beginning.
Neither of those two ideas would fly simply because each violates existing scientific laws of physics.
That matter was formed from nothing will not pass the "scientific" barriers.
Two confirmed laws of Physics destroy that idea.
The First Law of Thermodynamics (or the law of conservation of energy) makes it very clear that something (energy, matter, etc.
) cannot be made from nothing.
And that nothing (again energy or matter, etc.
) cannot be made of something.
In other words, you may alter, change, displace, move such items but the total quantity in the universe remains the same.
Many, over the years, have simply looked the other way and ignored this most important law, and some still do.
The other law that demolishes this same theory is the Law of Causality (or perhaps better known as Law of Cause and Effect).
This law simply states: "Every material effect must have an adequate antecedent cause.
Now it is important that we emphasize each word of that statement.
"Every" means regardless of type or size, absolutely everything that exists or happens, falls within the realm of this law.
"Material" would include anything you can see, feel, smell, taste or hear.
"Adequate" means that it was sufficient to change or perform whatever effect is mentioned.
An example I've read, says that a muddy river did not become muddy when a frog jumped into it.
That is an inadequate cause.
But a heavy downpour of rain eroding the fields upstream, would be adequate.
"Antecedent" simply means before, or preceding the effect.
There is no known effect that precedes the cause.
Now, how does this demolish the idea that matter just happened to appear at some point? Keep one thing in mind...
it is known that every cause is also an effect from some other cause.
So what happens when you go backward from any effect? As you trace the effect back to it's cause, and then back to that effect's cause, you always back right up to the origin of this universe.
It is here, it is enormous, it had to have a cause, and adequate antecedent cause.
If you say it was put together by billions of space aliens, you have created another effect and there is of necessity an ending to all of this.
So what is left? A cause must be found that is NOT a material effect.
But rather, is all cause.
Can we supply that type of cause? You bet your last dollar we can.
Nothing less than an all powerful, all wise Eternal Spirit which had no cause because He is not material, but supernatural, a spirit.
Nothing created Him.
Next is the idea that matter itself has always existed.
Eternal physical matter, eternal elements, gases, electrical and magnetic fields, etc.
If God can exist forever, why not these things that we see every day? The answer lies precisely in the fact that no physical matter is eternal.
It cannot be.
Certainly, the First Law of Thermodynamics state that you cannot totally eradicate anything even though you can changed it into different states.
But let us now invoke the Second Law of Thermodynamics to see what would have occurred if these things had always been here.
All physical matter is constructed of a variety of molecules and of a variety of atoms.
All existing materials contain some, albeit very little in some cases, heat or latent energy.
The second law states that entropy (disorder) occurs each time energy is utilized.
It also states that , over time, entropy will increase as systems move towards equilibrium.
This has reference to the fact that heat, as many other substances such as water, tends to flow from a point of high concentration to a point of low concentration.
This results in a cooling process as more heat is dispersed into outer space.
The Sun itself will be totally expended of it's energy in 3 to 4 billion years.
Had this universe been in existence forever, all the energy it contains would have been dissipated into space for untold eons of time.
With this would bring the entire universe to absolute zero (-459.
67 degrees Fahrenheit) at which point all molecular activity ceases (Third Law of Thermodynamics).
We have only discussed the beginning.
There are many more reasons the evolutionists suppositions have fizzled.
They have no facts to substantiate any degree of macro-evolution.
There are available online, dozens of quotes from hard shelled evolutionists who have admitted that their ideas are unsubstantiated.
But when you are backed against a wall with no escape, all you can do is try and bluff or con your way out.
Around every turn, stands the almighty God.
Nothing else will answer the questions.
And to complete the refutation, the big-bang could never have happened since there was absolutely nothing which could have banged

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