Care for a Frostbitten Tree
- 1). Put away the pruning shears. It is imperative that you resist the urge to remove the dead and damaged leaves and branches from your frostbitten tree. These dead leaves, unsightly as they are, serve as insulation for the healthy parts of your tree. Wait for new growth to push the old leaves and branches off rather than doing it yourself. The only exception would be if any limbs or branches could fall off and damage a person or property, then they should be removed. For most citrus and palm trees, however, this will not be the case.
- 2). Cover your trees limbs and leaves with a large sheet or light blanket. If the tree is small enough, secure the blanket around the trunk with string.
- 3). Cover the trunk of your frostbitten tree with burlap. Wrap several layers of burlap around the trunk, paying special attention to the area where the first branches and leaves appear. Secure it in place with string.
- 4). Water the tree at the base. Do this early in the morning so the tree can reap the full benefits of the sun’s warmth throughout the day.
- 5). Place mulch around the base of the tree to insulate the roots further from the cold temperatures. This will also keep the water warm as it absorbs into the ground to the tree's roots.