How to Compile MySQL Workbench on CentOS
- 1). Download the MySQL Workbench Linux ".tar.gz" file from
- 2). Click on the "Terminal" option in the main menu to open a terminal window.
- 3). Type the command "yum groupinstall "Development Tools" to install the CentOS build libraries which are required to compile source code.
- 4). Type the command "tar -xvzf mysql-workbench-gpl-<version>-src.tar.gz" to extract the source files. Replace "<version>" with number for the MySQL Workbench version you downloaded.
- 5). Type the command "cd mysql-workbench-gpl-<version>-src" to navigate into the source code directory.
- 6). Type the command "su -" to become the root user.
- 7). Type the command "./configure; make; make install" to compile and install the MySQL Workbench software.
- 8). Type the command "exit" to close the root session.