Senior Safety in Different Cultures
In an average, the life expectancy of women is 80 and 77 for men as shown in the US research during the late 1990s.
This statistics illustrates that women outlive men in various reasons.
The most common risks to senior safety are cited in the seniorjournal.
com, which includes chronic heart failures such as heart attacks and chronic ischemic heart diseases.
The second most common risks to old people are cancer, stroke or cardiovascular disease and then, chronic lower respiratory disease (CLRD).
Most of the female senior citizens live quite longer because of the healthy and active lifestyle that they have.
Plus the common factor that they are emotionally stronger.
Probably, women have various outlets in expressing their emotions such as wrath, loneliness and joy.
They can manage to convey it any possible way.
Unlike men, they have a room for hiding everything which involves their pride.
It is always a wrong notion that is mostly misinterpreted that it is unmanly to cry in the open.
This is the reason why most of the male species developed heart diseases than the female population and there is less senior safety for men than women.
In these days, putting old age people in a home for the aged houses instead of letting them stay at home has stabilized their security .
Abandoned old aged people are usually housed there so as not to hinder their family members from performing other functions at home.
Busy families who merely have time for taking care of senior citizens also deposit their elderly parents at these centers.
Working professionals who cannot manage to be with the old folks also handed them to the home for the aged centers.
Depending on cultural values, closeness of family ties is predominantly observable in most Asian cultures and senior safety is of high value.
They made it a habit to endure staying with parents until their last breath.
Taking care of them, bathing them, feeding them, bringing them to the parks and ensuring senior safety are just one of the many ways of how to make the elders comfortably happy.
Because of the karma belief, siblings are afraid to throw away their parents.
In some western countries, elder security is given high priority and the demand for caregivers is very high.
Caregiver training courses are currently being offered in order to cope with some of the countries demand for caregivers like in UK, London, Florida and some parts of United States.
Additionally, nurses are being hired in hospitals abroad to work with the sick and tremendously ill patients including the old aged people who have to stay in hospitals because of their disease.
These aged people are so irritable that health care providers will be seeking employees who possess the right emotional intelligence.
Dealing with the elderly is not an easy task and senior safety is hard to come by.
It is a skill to talk inter personally with special kinds of people.
For Filipinos, the close common family ties enable them to return the favors to their parents by taking good care of them when they grow old.
The reason why most overseas Filipino workers that includes caregivers and nurses continue to be in demand is because of their tender loving care services.
This statistics illustrates that women outlive men in various reasons.
The most common risks to senior safety are cited in the seniorjournal.
com, which includes chronic heart failures such as heart attacks and chronic ischemic heart diseases.
The second most common risks to old people are cancer, stroke or cardiovascular disease and then, chronic lower respiratory disease (CLRD).
Most of the female senior citizens live quite longer because of the healthy and active lifestyle that they have.
Plus the common factor that they are emotionally stronger.
Probably, women have various outlets in expressing their emotions such as wrath, loneliness and joy.
They can manage to convey it any possible way.
Unlike men, they have a room for hiding everything which involves their pride.
It is always a wrong notion that is mostly misinterpreted that it is unmanly to cry in the open.
This is the reason why most of the male species developed heart diseases than the female population and there is less senior safety for men than women.
In these days, putting old age people in a home for the aged houses instead of letting them stay at home has stabilized their security .
Abandoned old aged people are usually housed there so as not to hinder their family members from performing other functions at home.
Busy families who merely have time for taking care of senior citizens also deposit their elderly parents at these centers.
Working professionals who cannot manage to be with the old folks also handed them to the home for the aged centers.
Depending on cultural values, closeness of family ties is predominantly observable in most Asian cultures and senior safety is of high value.
They made it a habit to endure staying with parents until their last breath.
Taking care of them, bathing them, feeding them, bringing them to the parks and ensuring senior safety are just one of the many ways of how to make the elders comfortably happy.
Because of the karma belief, siblings are afraid to throw away their parents.
In some western countries, elder security is given high priority and the demand for caregivers is very high.
Caregiver training courses are currently being offered in order to cope with some of the countries demand for caregivers like in UK, London, Florida and some parts of United States.
Additionally, nurses are being hired in hospitals abroad to work with the sick and tremendously ill patients including the old aged people who have to stay in hospitals because of their disease.
These aged people are so irritable that health care providers will be seeking employees who possess the right emotional intelligence.
Dealing with the elderly is not an easy task and senior safety is hard to come by.
It is a skill to talk inter personally with special kinds of people.
For Filipinos, the close common family ties enable them to return the favors to their parents by taking good care of them when they grow old.
The reason why most overseas Filipino workers that includes caregivers and nurses continue to be in demand is because of their tender loving care services.