Hypnotherapy Service for IBS in Primary Care
Hypnotherapy Service for IBS in Primary Care
If the service had a patient load that was too large for a single hypnotherapist, a team approach could offer both increased capacity and cost savings, as lower-band practitioners could deliver therapy under supervision.
A service from a secondary care practitioner offering outreach to community clinics would offer other potential advantages including support from the gastroenterology and nutrition multidisciplinary team, for both peer support and advice from other specialists. However, the contractual arrangements and access to primary care venues could be difficult to arrange.
Things That Could Have Been Done Differently
If the service had a patient load that was too large for a single hypnotherapist, a team approach could offer both increased capacity and cost savings, as lower-band practitioners could deliver therapy under supervision.
A service from a secondary care practitioner offering outreach to community clinics would offer other potential advantages including support from the gastroenterology and nutrition multidisciplinary team, for both peer support and advice from other specialists. However, the contractual arrangements and access to primary care venues could be difficult to arrange.