3 Effective Ways to Easily and Quickly Get Google Page 1 - And Grow Your Business Brand Online!
In working with my clients around the world, I've found 3 primary ways that easily and quickly get them on Page 1 of Google organic search results for their keywords...
and they'll work for you and your business too! Follow these three simple steps to effectively grow your business' online brand presence...
while deepening your ideal audience relationships.
I'm thrilled to share my proven strategies and system with you here.
Word of Mouth and Review Sites: Google Places/Yelp/MerchantCircle: List your business on these review and word of mouth sites.
If you're a local business, Google Places is your best friend because it will quickly get you in the 7-pack at the top of the results.
When your clients rave about you, just ask them to post their positive reviews.
Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn: Depending on where your ideal audience is, you'll want to cultivate your brand presence on one or all three of these sites.
Blog: A great way to proactively manage page 1 of Goggle Search for your keywords is with your blog listings.
The easiest and fastest way to get started is with Blogger.
Link your blog to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn with user-friendly applications.
Also post your blog on industry and trade sites that offer that feature, e.
, FastCompany, Entrepreneur magazine, Merchant Circle, your LinkedIn group(s), local newspapers, etc.
Commenting on others' blogs is a great way to gain Google visibility too.
Set up a Google alert for your name so you see when Google's finding you.
These are proven steps that attract more business for my clients and myself.
@2010 ChristineHueber.
and they'll work for you and your business too! Follow these three simple steps to effectively grow your business' online brand presence...
while deepening your ideal audience relationships.
I'm thrilled to share my proven strategies and system with you here.
Word of Mouth and Review Sites: Google Places/Yelp/MerchantCircle: List your business on these review and word of mouth sites.
If you're a local business, Google Places is your best friend because it will quickly get you in the 7-pack at the top of the results.
When your clients rave about you, just ask them to post their positive reviews.
Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn: Depending on where your ideal audience is, you'll want to cultivate your brand presence on one or all three of these sites.
Blog: A great way to proactively manage page 1 of Goggle Search for your keywords is with your blog listings.
The easiest and fastest way to get started is with Blogger.
Link your blog to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn with user-friendly applications.
Also post your blog on industry and trade sites that offer that feature, e.
, FastCompany, Entrepreneur magazine, Merchant Circle, your LinkedIn group(s), local newspapers, etc.
Commenting on others' blogs is a great way to gain Google visibility too.
Set up a Google alert for your name so you see when Google's finding you.
These are proven steps that attract more business for my clients and myself.
@2010 ChristineHueber.