Stages of Pregnancy - The Last Weeks
Going through the last few months getting ready both emotionally and physically for the arrival of your new baby is not a simple task.
There are countless symptoms including back pain, weight gain and the makings of stretch marks.
There are the changes as your family adjusts to the thought of the new arrival and the preparations in the house to make.
But you get right down to the final few weeks, it becomes time to think about the delivery.
Both your body and your baby are altering quickly.
Here are the major things to anticipate during the last weeks of pregnancy.
One of the most visible changes during this time is your actual appearance.
During these weeks your baby is continuing to rapidly gain weight.
That translates to you having a growing belly, too, so you can look and feel even more bloated.
The bloat will probably come from the increase in body water and fluids.
Feet and face can look and feels swollen, you may find.
Don't worry, this is a common part of pregnancy in the last weeks.
Your body is burning a lot of calories during this phase of pregnancy, so you'll have a bigger appetite.
Baby is growing and your body is getting itself ready for the delivery.
Go ahead and eat whatever your body needs; but don't forget you want to stick to a healthy diet, and make sure you're paying close notice to what your body needs.
Continue to steer clear of caffeine, fast foods and too much refined sugar.
Focus on fresh fruits, veggies and lean proteins, and as always, consume plenty of fresh water during this phase.
Aches and pains are at their peak during the last few weeks of pregnancy.
More and more each day your body is changing.
The baby is moving aplenty.
Many mothers-to-be suffer from lower back pains at this time.
If you are feeling overwhelmed with aches and pains, now is the time to take it easy and to not over-exert yourself.
If your doctor clears the use of pain relievers like Ibuprofen, then you can ease the symptoms with that.
Feeling tired is one of the biggest complaints that women have in the last few weeks.
Because you are carrying the most extra weight, it is more difficult for to get around or just move.
Naturally you'll feel worn-out.
On the positive side, you have the ideal excuse to rest and nap whenever you have time.
In fact, you will need to make the time, in order to rest up.
So take advantage, because once your baby arrives, there will be scant time for resting.
There are countless symptoms including back pain, weight gain and the makings of stretch marks.
There are the changes as your family adjusts to the thought of the new arrival and the preparations in the house to make.
But you get right down to the final few weeks, it becomes time to think about the delivery.
Both your body and your baby are altering quickly.
Here are the major things to anticipate during the last weeks of pregnancy.
One of the most visible changes during this time is your actual appearance.
During these weeks your baby is continuing to rapidly gain weight.
That translates to you having a growing belly, too, so you can look and feel even more bloated.
The bloat will probably come from the increase in body water and fluids.
Feet and face can look and feels swollen, you may find.
Don't worry, this is a common part of pregnancy in the last weeks.
Your body is burning a lot of calories during this phase of pregnancy, so you'll have a bigger appetite.
Baby is growing and your body is getting itself ready for the delivery.
Go ahead and eat whatever your body needs; but don't forget you want to stick to a healthy diet, and make sure you're paying close notice to what your body needs.
Continue to steer clear of caffeine, fast foods and too much refined sugar.
Focus on fresh fruits, veggies and lean proteins, and as always, consume plenty of fresh water during this phase.
Aches and pains are at their peak during the last few weeks of pregnancy.
More and more each day your body is changing.
The baby is moving aplenty.
Many mothers-to-be suffer from lower back pains at this time.
If you are feeling overwhelmed with aches and pains, now is the time to take it easy and to not over-exert yourself.
If your doctor clears the use of pain relievers like Ibuprofen, then you can ease the symptoms with that.
Feeling tired is one of the biggest complaints that women have in the last few weeks.
Because you are carrying the most extra weight, it is more difficult for to get around or just move.
Naturally you'll feel worn-out.
On the positive side, you have the ideal excuse to rest and nap whenever you have time.
In fact, you will need to make the time, in order to rest up.
So take advantage, because once your baby arrives, there will be scant time for resting.