Before You Buy Tarot Cards, Learn To Interpret Them - The Wheel Of Fortune
It's always important to learn how to interpret your tarot before you buy tarot cards anywhere.
Start off with the Major Arcana cards as they are the indicators of major influences in life.
One of them is The Wheel of Fortune.
This card is the 10th in the Major Arcana.
The number 10 breaks down to the number 1 in numerology.
It is the number of inspiration and that which is about to take shape or manifest.
With this card you are at the beginning of your wish or project.
The Meaning of the Card The Wheel of Fortune sounds like a game show, but it's really about the changes in fortune we all experience.
Whenever this card pops up in a reading you pay for or if you take the time to buy tarot cards for your own reading, it usually means you are in for a twist of luck.
The Wheel of Fortune can mean a positive change in luck.
However, it can also mean a negative change, especially if The Wheel of Fortune is surrounded by negative cards or the Outcome card of the reading is negative too.
On the other hand, if you have a bunch of negative cards and The Wheel of Fortune is the Outcome card in your reading, it could mean that your bad luck is about to change to positive luck.
Since this is The Wheel of Fortune it also indicates unexpected developments in a situation and even controversial matters that you can't seem to pin down.
Description of the Card The Wheel of Fortune is depicted by a large wheel on the card.
You can tell that this is The Wheel of Fortune because the letters for Tarot are written on it, along with the ancient symbols for Jehovah which are I, H, V, H.
On the outer edge of the wheel are creatures and characters that represent the material world.
You'll find creatures like a Sphinx, snake and even a demon.
In the outer corners of the card are four creatures that stand for the fixed signs of the zodiac.
There is the Bull for Taurus, Lion for Leo, Angel for Aquarius and Eagle for Scorpio.
The material characters are constantly changing with the ups and downs of fate.
While the spiritual world remains constant, so The Wheel of Fortune only affects the material world.
Be sure to keep an eye out for this one when you buy tarot cards for yourself.
Special Advice: Change is a good thing.
So if your world seems to be fluctuating a lot stay calm and look for the opportunity these changes bring.
Start off with the Major Arcana cards as they are the indicators of major influences in life.
One of them is The Wheel of Fortune.
This card is the 10th in the Major Arcana.
The number 10 breaks down to the number 1 in numerology.
It is the number of inspiration and that which is about to take shape or manifest.
With this card you are at the beginning of your wish or project.
The Meaning of the Card The Wheel of Fortune sounds like a game show, but it's really about the changes in fortune we all experience.
Whenever this card pops up in a reading you pay for or if you take the time to buy tarot cards for your own reading, it usually means you are in for a twist of luck.
The Wheel of Fortune can mean a positive change in luck.
However, it can also mean a negative change, especially if The Wheel of Fortune is surrounded by negative cards or the Outcome card of the reading is negative too.
On the other hand, if you have a bunch of negative cards and The Wheel of Fortune is the Outcome card in your reading, it could mean that your bad luck is about to change to positive luck.
Since this is The Wheel of Fortune it also indicates unexpected developments in a situation and even controversial matters that you can't seem to pin down.
Description of the Card The Wheel of Fortune is depicted by a large wheel on the card.
You can tell that this is The Wheel of Fortune because the letters for Tarot are written on it, along with the ancient symbols for Jehovah which are I, H, V, H.
On the outer edge of the wheel are creatures and characters that represent the material world.
You'll find creatures like a Sphinx, snake and even a demon.
In the outer corners of the card are four creatures that stand for the fixed signs of the zodiac.
There is the Bull for Taurus, Lion for Leo, Angel for Aquarius and Eagle for Scorpio.
The material characters are constantly changing with the ups and downs of fate.
While the spiritual world remains constant, so The Wheel of Fortune only affects the material world.
Be sure to keep an eye out for this one when you buy tarot cards for yourself.
Special Advice: Change is a good thing.
So if your world seems to be fluctuating a lot stay calm and look for the opportunity these changes bring.