Learn How to Write a Cover Letter - How to Make Your Cover Letter Stand Out
If a hiring manager has hundreds of job applications, cover letters and resumes to peruse in order to find the perfect candidate to interview for a job opening, they may find themselves bored reading the same old traditional material, page after page.
You need to learn how to write a cover letter that will stand out from the rest! First off, stay away from using standard business cliches.
Certain phrases are well overused, and every business executive cringes when they hear the typical "Teamwork is my middle name," cliches that they've seen numerous times before.
Make yourself stand out by NOT using cliches.
Know about the business.
If you know about the company you are applying for and are familiar with what they do, who they work with, and how much they've grown in the recent years, you are bound to impress them.
A little knowledge goes a long way when trying to present yourself-by showing you know about the company in your cover, you are showing genuine interest in the position and a knowledge base to back it up.
Make sure to add value and credibility to your letter.
This can be done by showing off your best assets in relation to the position you are applying for, and by having some networking background-perhaps you can schmooze with people in the company's personal network and be able to get one of them to put in a good word for you as a reference per your cover letter.
If you know someone your potential boss knows, you might have an in right there! And from the start, make an impression by addressing the cover letter and resume to the right person-the person who will actually be reading your cover letter and resume and making a decision whether or not to interview you.
Why? If a letter starts out with the reader's name, it will instantly grab their attention as personalized-instead of the standard "to whom it may concern," or "Mr or Miss...
" Get your foot in the door by following these simple directions to create a cover letter that will knock most hiring managers' socks off!
You need to learn how to write a cover letter that will stand out from the rest! First off, stay away from using standard business cliches.
Certain phrases are well overused, and every business executive cringes when they hear the typical "Teamwork is my middle name," cliches that they've seen numerous times before.
Make yourself stand out by NOT using cliches.
Know about the business.
If you know about the company you are applying for and are familiar with what they do, who they work with, and how much they've grown in the recent years, you are bound to impress them.
A little knowledge goes a long way when trying to present yourself-by showing you know about the company in your cover, you are showing genuine interest in the position and a knowledge base to back it up.
Make sure to add value and credibility to your letter.
This can be done by showing off your best assets in relation to the position you are applying for, and by having some networking background-perhaps you can schmooze with people in the company's personal network and be able to get one of them to put in a good word for you as a reference per your cover letter.
If you know someone your potential boss knows, you might have an in right there! And from the start, make an impression by addressing the cover letter and resume to the right person-the person who will actually be reading your cover letter and resume and making a decision whether or not to interview you.
Why? If a letter starts out with the reader's name, it will instantly grab their attention as personalized-instead of the standard "to whom it may concern," or "Mr or Miss...
" Get your foot in the door by following these simple directions to create a cover letter that will knock most hiring managers' socks off!