Salt Lake Bankruptcy lawyer
Salt Lake Bankruptcy lawyer : Bankruptcy is a state of complete lack of some abstract property; "spiritual bankruptcy"; "moral bankruptcy"; "intellectual bankruptcy". Bankruptcy is an inability to discharge all your debts as they come due; "the company had to declare bankruptcy"; "fraudulent loans led to the failure of many banks".
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is frequently called a "fresh start" or "liquidation bankruptcy". Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is a fresh start bankruptcy because that is what you receive...a fresh start. With the exception of certain non-dis-chargeable debts, most of your debt is discharged (erased) in a Chapter 7. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is also a liquidation bankruptcy because any non-exempt asset that you have may be take and sold by the Chapter 7 trustee. The Chapter 7 trustee liquidates your non-exempt assets and returns what money she receives from the liquidation of those assets to your creditors. Utah has exemptions which protect certain assets from liquidation. These exemptions may or may not have dollar limits and include such things as a home, beds, washer/dryer, clothes and others. These exemptions can be discussed in more detail by calling (801) 244-2463 and scheduling your free consultation.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is not for everyone. If your average gross monthly income exceeds the median income for a family of your size in Utah, you may not qualify for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Additionally, if you have assets that you do not want liquidated, you may not want to file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. If a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy will not achieve your desired goals, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy may be a better option.
A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Is Often a Viable Option
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is a great option several reasons. Similar to a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy also stops creditor harassment, garnishments, foreclosures and other attempts to collect debt. A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy provides a tool for paying back a part of your debt. In a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy you can cure mortgage arrears ages over time, you may be able to "cram down" the debt on your vehicles so that you pay what the vehicle is worth instead of what you owe on the vehicle, and you can include taxes in the Chapter 13 payment plan.
Another benefit to a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is that Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is not a liquidation bankruptcy. This means that the Chapter 13 trustee is not going to take assets from you. Payment to creditors is based upon a monthly payment that you make to the Chapter 13 trustee and not on the liquidation of your assets.
Finally, if your gross monthly income exceeds the median income for a family your size in Utah, you may not qualify for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and would need to file a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.
Leave the Guesswork to the Experts
Lawyer Know Exactly How to Handle your Case
Contrary to many Internet rumors, filing for bankruptcy is definitely not something that you should try to do on your own or with only the assistance of a bankruptcy petition preparer. Your income and everything you own may be at risk in a bankruptcy. The amount you pay a competent attorney is tiny when compared to what you stand to lose if the bankruptcy is improperly done. There are many decisions that need to be made on your behalf. There is a lot of paperwork that needs to be filed with the court to protect your rights and insure proper protection of your income and assets.
You will be required to provide income tax returns, car titles and other financial information. You will need to follow the numerous guidelines that the Utah and Federal Laws require regarding your exemptions and adhere to the schedule that is designed specifically for you. Because of our vast experience, we can make this entire process as easy and painless as possible, placing most of the legal burden on us. This is precisely what we do and what we have been doing for our clients for over a decade!
Legal Disclaimer
The information provided in the web site is offered purely for informational purposes. It is not intended to create or promote an attorney-client relationship, and does not constitute and should not be relied upon as legal advice. It is not intended to seek professional employment in any state where lawyers in the firm are not admitted to practice, or in any state where this web site would not comply with applicable requirements concerning advertisements and solicitations.
Scott blotter intend to make every attempt to keep this information current. We do not promise or guarantee, however, that the information is correct, complete or up-to-date, and Internet subscribers and online readers should not act based upon this information without seeking professional counsel from an attorney admitted to practice in your location.
Transmission of information from Scott Blotter PLLC, A Professional Limited Liability Company is not intended to create, and its receipt does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship with Scott Blotter PLLC, A Professional Limited Liability Company or any of its individual attorneys or personnel. If you elect to communicate with the firm, or any of its attorneys, through this web site, do not transmit any confidential information about any matter that may involve you until the firm has agreed to represent you, and you have received confirmation of that fact in the form of a written engagement letter.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is frequently called a "fresh start" or "liquidation bankruptcy". Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is a fresh start bankruptcy because that is what you receive...a fresh start. With the exception of certain non-dis-chargeable debts, most of your debt is discharged (erased) in a Chapter 7. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is also a liquidation bankruptcy because any non-exempt asset that you have may be take and sold by the Chapter 7 trustee. The Chapter 7 trustee liquidates your non-exempt assets and returns what money she receives from the liquidation of those assets to your creditors. Utah has exemptions which protect certain assets from liquidation. These exemptions may or may not have dollar limits and include such things as a home, beds, washer/dryer, clothes and others. These exemptions can be discussed in more detail by calling (801) 244-2463 and scheduling your free consultation.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is not for everyone. If your average gross monthly income exceeds the median income for a family of your size in Utah, you may not qualify for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Additionally, if you have assets that you do not want liquidated, you may not want to file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. If a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy will not achieve your desired goals, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy may be a better option.
A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Is Often a Viable Option
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is a great option several reasons. Similar to a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy also stops creditor harassment, garnishments, foreclosures and other attempts to collect debt. A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy provides a tool for paying back a part of your debt. In a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy you can cure mortgage arrears ages over time, you may be able to "cram down" the debt on your vehicles so that you pay what the vehicle is worth instead of what you owe on the vehicle, and you can include taxes in the Chapter 13 payment plan.
Another benefit to a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is that Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is not a liquidation bankruptcy. This means that the Chapter 13 trustee is not going to take assets from you. Payment to creditors is based upon a monthly payment that you make to the Chapter 13 trustee and not on the liquidation of your assets.
Finally, if your gross monthly income exceeds the median income for a family your size in Utah, you may not qualify for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and would need to file a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.
Leave the Guesswork to the Experts
Lawyer Know Exactly How to Handle your Case
Contrary to many Internet rumors, filing for bankruptcy is definitely not something that you should try to do on your own or with only the assistance of a bankruptcy petition preparer. Your income and everything you own may be at risk in a bankruptcy. The amount you pay a competent attorney is tiny when compared to what you stand to lose if the bankruptcy is improperly done. There are many decisions that need to be made on your behalf. There is a lot of paperwork that needs to be filed with the court to protect your rights and insure proper protection of your income and assets.
You will be required to provide income tax returns, car titles and other financial information. You will need to follow the numerous guidelines that the Utah and Federal Laws require regarding your exemptions and adhere to the schedule that is designed specifically for you. Because of our vast experience, we can make this entire process as easy and painless as possible, placing most of the legal burden on us. This is precisely what we do and what we have been doing for our clients for over a decade!
Legal Disclaimer
The information provided in the web site is offered purely for informational purposes. It is not intended to create or promote an attorney-client relationship, and does not constitute and should not be relied upon as legal advice. It is not intended to seek professional employment in any state where lawyers in the firm are not admitted to practice, or in any state where this web site would not comply with applicable requirements concerning advertisements and solicitations.
Scott blotter intend to make every attempt to keep this information current. We do not promise or guarantee, however, that the information is correct, complete or up-to-date, and Internet subscribers and online readers should not act based upon this information without seeking professional counsel from an attorney admitted to practice in your location.
Transmission of information from Scott Blotter PLLC, A Professional Limited Liability Company is not intended to create, and its receipt does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship with Scott Blotter PLLC, A Professional Limited Liability Company or any of its individual attorneys or personnel. If you elect to communicate with the firm, or any of its attorneys, through this web site, do not transmit any confidential information about any matter that may involve you until the firm has agreed to represent you, and you have received confirmation of that fact in the form of a written engagement letter.