Your Home's Best Friend Is A Good Termite Treatment
Do you wait for your dog to get fleas to address the possibility? No! Most folks will use some form of preventative measure to keep their pets from getting fleas. So why wouldn't you do the same thing to your home for termites? Termidor uses the same active ingredient, fipronil, that many flea collars and flea drops use. Â Once other insects are exposed to this compound they will fall victim to its effects as well. Because of this pesticides with this active ingredient are able to quickly and effectively cause the entire colony to collapse. This product may be used to treat some of the more irksome and damaging household pest including ants and termites.
Termidor is one of the best selling termite control products on the market today. This product benefits from the slow acting properties of fipronil that allows the termites to take this insecticide back to their colony. The reason this product works so well is that it's practically undetectable by pest including termites and ants. Because of this insects will come into contact with this product and spread it to the others in their colony without even noticing. The makers of this product referrer to this affect a transitive property. Simply put once a termite (or other pest) comes in contact with this compound they become a "carrier" and will spread the effects of exposure to others.
This compound isn't just effective it's also safe to use. The United States Environmental Protection Agency rates it as having a low toxicity level. But it is still important to follow the labeled directions to ensure safe and effective use of this product.
This product is applied around your home as a soil treatment. To apply this product you will need to dilute the concentrate according to the manufactures' guidelines and apply it to the soil around your home. The application of Termidor in to the soil will be labor intensive and will require a number of specialized tools. It is recommended that you dig a trench around the perimeter of your foundation and apply the treatment to this exposed soil. The same should be done around any wall or piers in your sub flooring. Perhaps the most labor-intensive step in this application is drilling through concrete patios, parking slabs, and other impervious surfaces around your home. Fortunately, after all that work, the protection that afforded to your home by this product will last for years.
Termidor is one of the best selling termite control products on the market today. This product benefits from the slow acting properties of fipronil that allows the termites to take this insecticide back to their colony. The reason this product works so well is that it's practically undetectable by pest including termites and ants. Because of this insects will come into contact with this product and spread it to the others in their colony without even noticing. The makers of this product referrer to this affect a transitive property. Simply put once a termite (or other pest) comes in contact with this compound they become a "carrier" and will spread the effects of exposure to others.
This compound isn't just effective it's also safe to use. The United States Environmental Protection Agency rates it as having a low toxicity level. But it is still important to follow the labeled directions to ensure safe and effective use of this product.
This product is applied around your home as a soil treatment. To apply this product you will need to dilute the concentrate according to the manufactures' guidelines and apply it to the soil around your home. The application of Termidor in to the soil will be labor intensive and will require a number of specialized tools. It is recommended that you dig a trench around the perimeter of your foundation and apply the treatment to this exposed soil. The same should be done around any wall or piers in your sub flooring. Perhaps the most labor-intensive step in this application is drilling through concrete patios, parking slabs, and other impervious surfaces around your home. Fortunately, after all that work, the protection that afforded to your home by this product will last for years.