New Zealand Citizenship and Work in New Zealand
Dual citizenship is available inNew Zealand, but whether or not it is applicable in your particular case will depend on the law of the other country that you are from.
There are four main ways in which you can become aNew Zealandcitizen which include:
All applicants forNew Zealandcitizenship must provide the following documents:
Full birth certificate
National identity card (if applicable)
All citizenship certificates if your passport is issued by a country other than your birth country
All your passport and travel documents, including travel documents issued inNew Zealand.
Marriage and civil union certificate (if applicable)
Divorce documents (if applicable)
Proof of any formal name change (if applicable)
If English is not your first language, evidence that you studied English or you studied using English
If you spent a lot of time traveling a letter explaining why.
You will find every type of work inNew Zealandfrom temporary work, contract work, seasonal work and permanent job positions. If you want to work inNew Zealandas an administration, specialist recruiters are always looking for staff in office management, executive assistance, secretarial and clerical roles. There is a lot of summer jobs and summer work in the south island.
There are seasonal jobs for temporary workers for most months of the year. You can work in the vineyard and pick fruits; they grow on summer, winter and spring. While working you can spend time in some of the beautiful locations and exiting seasonal jobs in hotels and restaurants in some of the most scenic locations in the world.
There is a growing demand inNew Zealandfor seasonal workers. People that are willing to work at short notice and for varying durations, but in a great environment that offers freedom.
There are four main ways in which you can become aNew Zealandcitizen which include:
- Citizenship by birth inNew Zealand; if you are aNew Zealandcitizen and you were born before January 2006 you are a citizen if at least one parent is, at the time of birth a NZ citizen or permanent resident, or a permanent resident of theCook Islands, Njue or Tokelau.
- Citizenship by descent; you are a new Zealand citizen, if you are born overseas to a mother or father who is a NZ citizen otherwise than by descent.
- Adoption; you are aNew Zealandcitizen if you are legally adopted by aNew Zealandcitizen.
- Citizenship by grant; you can apply to theNew Zealandgovernment for it to grant you citizenship.
All applicants forNew Zealandcitizenship must provide the following documents:
Full birth certificate
National identity card (if applicable)
All citizenship certificates if your passport is issued by a country other than your birth country
All your passport and travel documents, including travel documents issued inNew Zealand.
Marriage and civil union certificate (if applicable)
Divorce documents (if applicable)
Proof of any formal name change (if applicable)
If English is not your first language, evidence that you studied English or you studied using English
If you spent a lot of time traveling a letter explaining why.
You will find every type of work inNew Zealandfrom temporary work, contract work, seasonal work and permanent job positions. If you want to work inNew Zealandas an administration, specialist recruiters are always looking for staff in office management, executive assistance, secretarial and clerical roles. There is a lot of summer jobs and summer work in the south island.
There are seasonal jobs for temporary workers for most months of the year. You can work in the vineyard and pick fruits; they grow on summer, winter and spring. While working you can spend time in some of the beautiful locations and exiting seasonal jobs in hotels and restaurants in some of the most scenic locations in the world.
There is a growing demand inNew Zealandfor seasonal workers. People that are willing to work at short notice and for varying durations, but in a great environment that offers freedom.