Search Jobs From Mobile
Never before have job seekers and employers had the ability to employ and be employed within minutes. The Leading Jobs Consultancy services company €zimmapp€ lunching a very unique and faster online mobile application services for jobs search. It is using very easy. If you looking for a jobs because everybody want to move up on carrier in top position. get INSTANT results. Think its time you were heard? Get out of the herd and into Zimm.24/7 support for all Zimm users. Got a query or not sure of how to get the most out of your Zimm app, just ask! Call our 1300 number of contact us online.
Change your preferences when you please! If you have just gained some experience or a qualification and think this means your worth has just increased - jump on the app and make the changes!
Confidentiality guaranteed - the app allows for complete privacy and will always ask your permission before divulging any information to outsiders.
Zimm gives job seekers the ability and power to choose for themselves! Rather than visiting agency after agency and completing hours worth of mind numbing paper work, only to be disappointed and let down by a money hungry recruiter - Use Zimm. Register instantly with Zimm and put the ball back in your court! Create a personal profile that represents you and what you want. Include a video or some audio if you like, with Zimm anything is possible! Carefully decide exactly what you ARE and AREN'T interested in and then continue on with your day while Zimm takes care of the rest.
Zimm is linked into hundreds of awesome companies worldwide and will automatically notify you when one of them has found your profile and is interested in having you work for them! Gone are the days of scouring through newspapers and waiting on phone calls from agencies - Zimm has an inbuilt calendar that is automatically synced in with any interviews that you have accepted.
Accept an interview and it books it in for you at a time that suits your schedule! It's your Personal Assistant in your pocket!
Looking for work?
Think its time for a change? Register with Zimm and instantly put yourself in a position to find your dream job. YOU make the decision with Zimm, YOU decide exactly what you want - nothing less.
Rather than finding a job that suits you, let the app tell you what fits YOUR criteria!
Looking for staff?
Wouldn't YOU prefer to do the decision making and see who fits YOUR criteria? Why let a recruiter waste your time.
Register with Zimm for your company and use the Zimm search criteria to track down your ideal employee. The power lies in your hands as you carefully 'build' your next employee.
Change your preferences when you please! If you have just gained some experience or a qualification and think this means your worth has just increased - jump on the app and make the changes!
Confidentiality guaranteed - the app allows for complete privacy and will always ask your permission before divulging any information to outsiders.
Zimm gives job seekers the ability and power to choose for themselves! Rather than visiting agency after agency and completing hours worth of mind numbing paper work, only to be disappointed and let down by a money hungry recruiter - Use Zimm. Register instantly with Zimm and put the ball back in your court! Create a personal profile that represents you and what you want. Include a video or some audio if you like, with Zimm anything is possible! Carefully decide exactly what you ARE and AREN'T interested in and then continue on with your day while Zimm takes care of the rest.
Zimm is linked into hundreds of awesome companies worldwide and will automatically notify you when one of them has found your profile and is interested in having you work for them! Gone are the days of scouring through newspapers and waiting on phone calls from agencies - Zimm has an inbuilt calendar that is automatically synced in with any interviews that you have accepted.
Accept an interview and it books it in for you at a time that suits your schedule! It's your Personal Assistant in your pocket!
Looking for work?
Think its time for a change? Register with Zimm and instantly put yourself in a position to find your dream job. YOU make the decision with Zimm, YOU decide exactly what you want - nothing less.
Rather than finding a job that suits you, let the app tell you what fits YOUR criteria!
Looking for staff?
Wouldn't YOU prefer to do the decision making and see who fits YOUR criteria? Why let a recruiter waste your time.
Register with Zimm for your company and use the Zimm search criteria to track down your ideal employee. The power lies in your hands as you carefully 'build' your next employee.