2009 Hot Holiday Toys - Got Your Zhu Zhu Pets Yet?
Hey, are you looking to buy Zhu Zhu Pets hamsters? They are the absolute hottest toy that's come along in quite awhile.
They are toy hamsters that scurry and squeak and have individual personalities.
They're not your parent's hamsters! The Zhu Zhu Pets Hamsters: Top of the Hot Holiday Toys List Lets face it -- the kids will want all four of the Zhu Zhu Pets hamsters, but maybe you can't quite swing all four right now.
If that's the case, here are the four hamsters, with their names and personalities.
All you have to do is pick the right match for your child! Chunk, the Surfer Dude What, a surfing hamster? Yep, you read that right.
Chunk is Mr.
Cool himself, and is snow white to prove it! Zhu Zhu Pets Chunk is the most laid back of the hamsters (if you can call hamsters laid back, that is).
He does have a surf board, so watch him hang 10 (er, hang 20?) on it.
Sqiggles, AKA Mr.
Popularity Undeniably, Mr Squiggles is most popular of the Zhu Zhu toys lineup.
Maybe it's because he is brown, like a real hamster! Mr.
Squiggles likes to roam around, sometimes fast, sometimes slow.
But just wait and hear him when he runs into anything! Num Nums, a Lady Hamster While Chunk and Mr.
Squiggles are boy hamsters, Num Nums is a girl.
And not just a girl, but a lady! Well, in all things except some of the noises she makes (which can be really funny at times).
Num Nums is gray, and she wears it well.
Pipsqueek, the Tomboy Pipsqueek is definitely the tomboy compared to Num Nums, but she's also the second most popular of the tribe of hamsters.
Colored a soft yellow, Pipsqueek can race with Mr.
Squiggles, but can calm down like Chunk.
And of course she loves affection, just like Num Nums.
Buy Zhu Zhu Pet Hamsters Don't risk disappointment at Christmas, because these toys are extremely popular.
(I mean, you don't want a knock-down drag-out for the last Num Nums, do you?) So not to worry, here is the Zhu Zhu Pets hamsters list to buy these wonderfully fun toys.
They are toy hamsters that scurry and squeak and have individual personalities.
They're not your parent's hamsters! The Zhu Zhu Pets Hamsters: Top of the Hot Holiday Toys List Lets face it -- the kids will want all four of the Zhu Zhu Pets hamsters, but maybe you can't quite swing all four right now.
If that's the case, here are the four hamsters, with their names and personalities.
All you have to do is pick the right match for your child! Chunk, the Surfer Dude What, a surfing hamster? Yep, you read that right.
Chunk is Mr.
Cool himself, and is snow white to prove it! Zhu Zhu Pets Chunk is the most laid back of the hamsters (if you can call hamsters laid back, that is).
He does have a surf board, so watch him hang 10 (er, hang 20?) on it.
Sqiggles, AKA Mr.
Popularity Undeniably, Mr Squiggles is most popular of the Zhu Zhu toys lineup.
Maybe it's because he is brown, like a real hamster! Mr.
Squiggles likes to roam around, sometimes fast, sometimes slow.
But just wait and hear him when he runs into anything! Num Nums, a Lady Hamster While Chunk and Mr.
Squiggles are boy hamsters, Num Nums is a girl.
And not just a girl, but a lady! Well, in all things except some of the noises she makes (which can be really funny at times).
Num Nums is gray, and she wears it well.
Pipsqueek, the Tomboy Pipsqueek is definitely the tomboy compared to Num Nums, but she's also the second most popular of the tribe of hamsters.
Colored a soft yellow, Pipsqueek can race with Mr.
Squiggles, but can calm down like Chunk.
And of course she loves affection, just like Num Nums.
Buy Zhu Zhu Pet Hamsters Don't risk disappointment at Christmas, because these toys are extremely popular.
(I mean, you don't want a knock-down drag-out for the last Num Nums, do you?) So not to worry, here is the Zhu Zhu Pets hamsters list to buy these wonderfully fun toys.