How to Have a Happy, Healthy Holiday Season
Did you gain weight last holiday season? You're not alone. With so many corporate and social gatherings and events in such a short time, it's hard to resist indulging in the array of seasonal treats they bring. The trick is to find a balance between enjoying yourself and maintaining healthy habits. So here are a few suggestions that will help you avoid unhealthy weight gain this year.
-Shift your attitude away from food €" Remember that food is not the reason for get-togethers during the holiday season. It's something extra. Keep that in mind and focus on having fun.
-Don't abstain €" Why deny yourself your favourite meals before and during the holiday season? The key is moderation €" watch your portions, plan lighter, more nutritional meals and keep up your exercise routine.
-Stock up on healthy choices €" You probably like to buy a few treats for yourself and your guests over the holidays. Why not substitute some of all of those items with more nutritional options such as fruit, whole-grain products or peanut butter?
-Curb your appetite €" Want to cut the calories you consume at a seasonal celebration? Plan a small healthy snack before you go. Regularly drinking water during the holidays is another great way to keep your appetite in check.
-Plan your event calendar €" With so many events to choose from, and so much temptation, it's a good idea to take time and plan the events that you want to attend. Set yourself limits, don't get over exhausted and make sure you are having regular meals.
-Know your limits €" if there are foods that you find irresistible, set yourself limits. That way, you can enjoy them without overindulging.
-Buddy up €" Chances are you have a friend or co-worker who is also watching what they eat. Why not pair up and look out for each other at your next event.
-Toast to your health €" Alternate your alcoholic beverages and seasonal favorites such as eggnog with Water and un-sweetened drinks. Not only will you cut calories, you'll also avoid the holiday hangover
-Eat your greens €" Look for the veggie tray, a mainstay of any holiday party. For potlucks, plan a nutritious, low calorie dish, like a fruit tray or shrimp ring.
-Stay active €" It isn't easy with all of the festivities, but make time for fitness. It not only burns calories, it helps melt away seasonal stress. Consider walking to events, where possible, and arranging a drive home with a friend or by taxi.
-Shift your attitude away from food €" Remember that food is not the reason for get-togethers during the holiday season. It's something extra. Keep that in mind and focus on having fun.
-Don't abstain €" Why deny yourself your favourite meals before and during the holiday season? The key is moderation €" watch your portions, plan lighter, more nutritional meals and keep up your exercise routine.
-Stock up on healthy choices €" You probably like to buy a few treats for yourself and your guests over the holidays. Why not substitute some of all of those items with more nutritional options such as fruit, whole-grain products or peanut butter?
-Curb your appetite €" Want to cut the calories you consume at a seasonal celebration? Plan a small healthy snack before you go. Regularly drinking water during the holidays is another great way to keep your appetite in check.
-Plan your event calendar €" With so many events to choose from, and so much temptation, it's a good idea to take time and plan the events that you want to attend. Set yourself limits, don't get over exhausted and make sure you are having regular meals.
-Know your limits €" if there are foods that you find irresistible, set yourself limits. That way, you can enjoy them without overindulging.
-Buddy up €" Chances are you have a friend or co-worker who is also watching what they eat. Why not pair up and look out for each other at your next event.
-Toast to your health €" Alternate your alcoholic beverages and seasonal favorites such as eggnog with Water and un-sweetened drinks. Not only will you cut calories, you'll also avoid the holiday hangover
-Eat your greens €" Look for the veggie tray, a mainstay of any holiday party. For potlucks, plan a nutritious, low calorie dish, like a fruit tray or shrimp ring.
-Stay active €" It isn't easy with all of the festivities, but make time for fitness. It not only burns calories, it helps melt away seasonal stress. Consider walking to events, where possible, and arranging a drive home with a friend or by taxi.