Sterility - Causes And Home Remedies
Sterility refers to the state of being infertile or the incapacity to beget off-springs. Sterility can affect both men and women. If a woman does not conceive inspite of trying for one complete year, any one of the two partners could be sterile. A man's fertility is governed by the testicles which must produce healthy sperms to be ejaculated timely into the woman's vagina. Low sperm count, abnormal sperm motility, poor semen production, structural abnormality in sperm transporting tubes, varicose vein in the cord that connects to testicles etc may make a man sterile.
A woman's fertility is governed by the regular release of healthy eggs by ovaries. Also a woman's reproductive tract must facilitate proper passage of eggs and sperms into her fallopian tubes to be fertilized and implanted in the uterus. Fall in estrogen and progesterone levels, inflammation of fallopian tubes, inflammation of cervix etc may interfere with ovulation and a woman's power to reproduce. Sterility may be of the following 2 types:
1. Primary sterility - In this case, conception has never taken place.
2. Secondary sterility - In this case, the couple has conceived previously; but is now unable to do so because of some fertility impairing physical or medical condition.
Age plays a crucial role in determining sterility. Both men and women are highly fertile in their mid-twenties. Fertility starts declining as one crosses 30 years of age. The factors that promote sterility in case of both men and women are stress, smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, obesity, under-weight, dieting etc. Medical conditions like thyroid disease, diabetes, anemia etc may also make a man or woman sterile.
Home Remedies
1. Consume onions in plenty, for they make the sexual organs strong and do away with sterility.
2. Soak dry grapes in water overnight. In the morning, crush them to make a paste. Add the paste to a glass of milk and drink. This solves the problem of sterility.
3. Consume 5-7 dry dates daily. This enhances libido, strengthens sexual organs and makes one fertile.
4. Consume 3-4 raw garlic seeds every day to treat your sterility.
5. Soak Jambul leaves in water for sometime. Then crush them to a paste. Mix the paste with 1-2 tablespoons of honey and consume. This will provide rewarding results.
6. Dissolve 2-3 teaspoons of coriander powder in a glass of water. Add sugar or jiggery to sweeten. Take the solution in the morning in empty stomach. This is an effective home remedy for sterility.
7. Mix dried and powdered winter cherry herb in a glass of milk and drink. Women should drink the mixture for 1 week once the monthly periods have ended. This will put an end to your sterility.
8. Add 15-20 gms of dried and powdered banyan root to a glass of milk and have. Women should take the solution for 4-5 nights following the end of monthly periods. This is a useful sterility remedy.
9. Combine 1 teaspoon each of raw ginger extracts and honey. Take the mixture along with boiled egg to get rid of sterility.
10. Grind dry ginger and dry Indian gooseberry into fine powder. Add 1-2 teaspoons of both the powders to a glass of milk. Also add some sugar and drink. This works miraculously.
11. After every meal, eat areca nuts to turn fertile.
12. Consumption of eggs facilitates conception for both the sexes.
13. Live on a rice diet to become fertile.
A woman's fertility is governed by the regular release of healthy eggs by ovaries. Also a woman's reproductive tract must facilitate proper passage of eggs and sperms into her fallopian tubes to be fertilized and implanted in the uterus. Fall in estrogen and progesterone levels, inflammation of fallopian tubes, inflammation of cervix etc may interfere with ovulation and a woman's power to reproduce. Sterility may be of the following 2 types:
1. Primary sterility - In this case, conception has never taken place.
2. Secondary sterility - In this case, the couple has conceived previously; but is now unable to do so because of some fertility impairing physical or medical condition.
Age plays a crucial role in determining sterility. Both men and women are highly fertile in their mid-twenties. Fertility starts declining as one crosses 30 years of age. The factors that promote sterility in case of both men and women are stress, smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, obesity, under-weight, dieting etc. Medical conditions like thyroid disease, diabetes, anemia etc may also make a man or woman sterile.
Home Remedies
1. Consume onions in plenty, for they make the sexual organs strong and do away with sterility.
2. Soak dry grapes in water overnight. In the morning, crush them to make a paste. Add the paste to a glass of milk and drink. This solves the problem of sterility.
3. Consume 5-7 dry dates daily. This enhances libido, strengthens sexual organs and makes one fertile.
4. Consume 3-4 raw garlic seeds every day to treat your sterility.
5. Soak Jambul leaves in water for sometime. Then crush them to a paste. Mix the paste with 1-2 tablespoons of honey and consume. This will provide rewarding results.
6. Dissolve 2-3 teaspoons of coriander powder in a glass of water. Add sugar or jiggery to sweeten. Take the solution in the morning in empty stomach. This is an effective home remedy for sterility.
7. Mix dried and powdered winter cherry herb in a glass of milk and drink. Women should drink the mixture for 1 week once the monthly periods have ended. This will put an end to your sterility.
8. Add 15-20 gms of dried and powdered banyan root to a glass of milk and have. Women should take the solution for 4-5 nights following the end of monthly periods. This is a useful sterility remedy.
9. Combine 1 teaspoon each of raw ginger extracts and honey. Take the mixture along with boiled egg to get rid of sterility.
10. Grind dry ginger and dry Indian gooseberry into fine powder. Add 1-2 teaspoons of both the powders to a glass of milk. Also add some sugar and drink. This works miraculously.
11. After every meal, eat areca nuts to turn fertile.
12. Consumption of eggs facilitates conception for both the sexes.
13. Live on a rice diet to become fertile.