How to Meet Emo Friends
Finding emo friends isn't as hard as you may think. Even though the emo scene has dwindled somewhat in popularity since the heydays of My Chemical Romance, Panic At The Disco and Fall Out Boy, there are still a lot of emo and scene fans out there if you know where to look.
Some of the best places to find emos that have a similar mindset and follow the same bands as you can be online, whether it be forums, specialist music sites and of course facebook and twitter.
Here are a few tips to follow if you're looking to meet Emos, goths, punks etc:
- Remember that this person is just a normal human being, even if their beliefs and customs are different. Don't treat them like an alien - don't ask crazy questions, that kind of thing.
- Just because you are both emos, goths or punks, don't assume you'll get along with them. How someone dresses or the music that they listen to doesn't always show who they are.
- Don't keep talking about the emo lifestyle and how cool you think it is. It can get very irritating and makes you look like you're trying too hard.
- Even if you feel shy and embarrassed, once you have made friends with them it will have all been worth it.
- Just be yourself. If you completely change to be this person's friend, then living your life as an imposter is going to be harder for you in the long run.
I know it can be hard meeting people for the first time, so try and realise it may be hard for them too - Often, the best way of putting people at ease is imagining them in your shoes. Be honest, above board and open. Most of all, have FUN - getting to know new people is a great way of expanding your knowledge, finding out about new bands or music, places to visit and things to do.
Emo friends can be some of the greatest people to have in your circle. In general they are loyal, sensitive to your feelings, understanding and often they have been through similar trials and tribulations as yourself.
Don't fall into believing all the stereotypes eg. all emos cut themselves or sit in corners crying! Most emo friends that i have are fun-loving and willing to go out to the cinema or hang out with like minded folks at gigs, clubs or even in town centres as long as there aren't bunches of chavs who may hassle them. OK, i'm generalising here folks, but you get my drift
Here's a few facebook pages that I came across just by searching for things like emo friends, meet emos etc
Cute Emo Chicks -
Emo Friends -
There are also several sites online where you can sign up for free and meet similar people in pretty much any particular niche. This is a great way to meet emos if you're a little bit nervous and don't relish the idea of going out and meeting people in the flesh straight away. Check out Google or the links in this article to find these.
Good luck and let me know how you get on by commenting or "liking" this post on your social media sites.
Some of the best places to find emos that have a similar mindset and follow the same bands as you can be online, whether it be forums, specialist music sites and of course facebook and twitter.
Here are a few tips to follow if you're looking to meet Emos, goths, punks etc:
- Remember that this person is just a normal human being, even if their beliefs and customs are different. Don't treat them like an alien - don't ask crazy questions, that kind of thing.
- Just because you are both emos, goths or punks, don't assume you'll get along with them. How someone dresses or the music that they listen to doesn't always show who they are.
- Don't keep talking about the emo lifestyle and how cool you think it is. It can get very irritating and makes you look like you're trying too hard.
- Even if you feel shy and embarrassed, once you have made friends with them it will have all been worth it.
- Just be yourself. If you completely change to be this person's friend, then living your life as an imposter is going to be harder for you in the long run.
I know it can be hard meeting people for the first time, so try and realise it may be hard for them too - Often, the best way of putting people at ease is imagining them in your shoes. Be honest, above board and open. Most of all, have FUN - getting to know new people is a great way of expanding your knowledge, finding out about new bands or music, places to visit and things to do.
Emo friends can be some of the greatest people to have in your circle. In general they are loyal, sensitive to your feelings, understanding and often they have been through similar trials and tribulations as yourself.
Don't fall into believing all the stereotypes eg. all emos cut themselves or sit in corners crying! Most emo friends that i have are fun-loving and willing to go out to the cinema or hang out with like minded folks at gigs, clubs or even in town centres as long as there aren't bunches of chavs who may hassle them. OK, i'm generalising here folks, but you get my drift
Here's a few facebook pages that I came across just by searching for things like emo friends, meet emos etc
Cute Emo Chicks -
Emo Friends -
There are also several sites online where you can sign up for free and meet similar people in pretty much any particular niche. This is a great way to meet emos if you're a little bit nervous and don't relish the idea of going out and meeting people in the flesh straight away. Check out Google or the links in this article to find these.
Good luck and let me know how you get on by commenting or "liking" this post on your social media sites.