How to Study for SAT for Free
- 1). Take a free diagnostic test on Collegeboard is the actual company that makes the real SATs so their test will be as close to the real thing as possible. Don't waste this test; take it with time limits and print it out to make it as realistic as possible to find out where you are at.
- 2). Make vocabulary cards with 3x5 cards. Get a vocabulary list online at this site: Write the SAT word on one side and the definition on the other side. Test yourself repeatedly to memorize these words.
- 3). To practice different exercise problems for the SAT (Critical Reading, Math, and Writing), go to the following websites:,,,, and
- 4). If you can get an SAT book from a friend in College or who's finished taking the SAT, it'd be a great resource for you, even if they have already used it.