Improving Male Libido! Herbs That Boost Sex Drive & Strengthen Erections!
If you have sexual problems such as low libido, inadequate erections or not enough stamina, you're not alone.
These are problems faced by many men.
The difficulties come as a result of low levels of testosterone, the hormone responsible for male reproductive system development and function.
However, the problems can easily be treated with herbs that increase testosterone and return sexual function to its peak.
Muira Puama! From the Amazon rain forest comes muira puama.
It is not surprising that it is called potency wood by those who have used it.
As a tonic herb, it keeps the sex organs operating at peak performance.
Erectile dysfunction will be a thing of the past.
Its fatigue-fighting properties will ensure you can go all night long.
It is often used to boost libido and its effectiveness in this area is backed by several scientific studies.
In a French study, 62% of patients reported improvements in libido and erections as a result of taking this herb.
In a second French study, it enhanced libido in 85% of test subjects, improved erections in 90% and increased the frequency of sex in an amazing 100% of participants.
Cnidium Monnieri! Cnidium monnieri got its start in Chinese medicine, but is now used worldwide.
It is commonly used as a treatment for erectile dysfunction.
Research has shown that the herb acts on specific tissues in the penis to increase blood flow to the area.
Even those without erectile problems will appreciate the larger, harder erection that comes with this herb.
Maca Root As an adaptogenic herb, maca root works in the body to increase testosterone levels.
As early as the 1960s, researchers knew that the herb promoted fertility in both sexes.
In studies, it was found to increase frequency of lovemaking a full 100% and send semen production skyrocketing to as high as 180% from normal.
It's not unusual to hear maca users comment that they feel like teenagers again.
Passion Flower While passionflower is said to have been named for its appearance, you have to wonder if the explorers that named it were aware of its effects.
In studies, the herb was found to have significant aphrodisiac effects.
In addition, research has shown that it is a powerful libido booster and enhances virility.
One of the flavones found in passionflower, chrysin, has been linked to testosterone enhancement.
Horny Goat Weed! If there were ever a plant that was well named, it would be horny goat weed.
As the name implies, the herb works wonders on decreased libido in both men and women.
Chinese medicine practitioners say that it is also effective at treating erectile dysfunction.
Studies have shown that a component of horny goat weed called icariin works similar to Viagra, but with fewer side effects.
Results are often seen within days of starting the herb.
Improving Male Libido You don't have to accept erectile dysfunction, poor libido, or low sexual endurance.
Any of these herbs can help return your sex drive and performance to the levels of your youth.
Even if you are just looking for something to add an extra edge to your sex life, these supplements can help you reach that goal.
These are problems faced by many men.
The difficulties come as a result of low levels of testosterone, the hormone responsible for male reproductive system development and function.
However, the problems can easily be treated with herbs that increase testosterone and return sexual function to its peak.
Muira Puama! From the Amazon rain forest comes muira puama.
It is not surprising that it is called potency wood by those who have used it.
As a tonic herb, it keeps the sex organs operating at peak performance.
Erectile dysfunction will be a thing of the past.
Its fatigue-fighting properties will ensure you can go all night long.
It is often used to boost libido and its effectiveness in this area is backed by several scientific studies.
In a French study, 62% of patients reported improvements in libido and erections as a result of taking this herb.
In a second French study, it enhanced libido in 85% of test subjects, improved erections in 90% and increased the frequency of sex in an amazing 100% of participants.
Cnidium Monnieri! Cnidium monnieri got its start in Chinese medicine, but is now used worldwide.
It is commonly used as a treatment for erectile dysfunction.
Research has shown that the herb acts on specific tissues in the penis to increase blood flow to the area.
Even those without erectile problems will appreciate the larger, harder erection that comes with this herb.
Maca Root As an adaptogenic herb, maca root works in the body to increase testosterone levels.
As early as the 1960s, researchers knew that the herb promoted fertility in both sexes.
In studies, it was found to increase frequency of lovemaking a full 100% and send semen production skyrocketing to as high as 180% from normal.
It's not unusual to hear maca users comment that they feel like teenagers again.
Passion Flower While passionflower is said to have been named for its appearance, you have to wonder if the explorers that named it were aware of its effects.
In studies, the herb was found to have significant aphrodisiac effects.
In addition, research has shown that it is a powerful libido booster and enhances virility.
One of the flavones found in passionflower, chrysin, has been linked to testosterone enhancement.
Horny Goat Weed! If there were ever a plant that was well named, it would be horny goat weed.
As the name implies, the herb works wonders on decreased libido in both men and women.
Chinese medicine practitioners say that it is also effective at treating erectile dysfunction.
Studies have shown that a component of horny goat weed called icariin works similar to Viagra, but with fewer side effects.
Results are often seen within days of starting the herb.
Improving Male Libido You don't have to accept erectile dysfunction, poor libido, or low sexual endurance.
Any of these herbs can help return your sex drive and performance to the levels of your youth.
Even if you are just looking for something to add an extra edge to your sex life, these supplements can help you reach that goal.