Top 3 Solar Power Mistakes to Avoid
There is a huge buzz going around about solar panels and many people are jumping on the "go green" train.
In the big haste people make mistakes and these mistakes sooner or later will cost them money.
Continuing along with this article you will learn about the top three most common mistakes that you should avoid when you plan to use solar power instead of the conventional one.
There are many mistakes but these three are the most crucial ones so be aware.
First one: Going off the grid with out a thinking about it first If you want to live green and save money as well and you have to choose from installing a PV panel or staying on the grid than the later one is the better options.
Because if you do decide to go of grid and live off solar power then you will be need batteries and lots of them.
Even if you you rechargeable one they will die off sooner or later and your left with dangerous garbage.
Another positive for staying on the grid is that you won't be able to get a mortgage if you are not on it.
And this might prove to be difficult in these challenging economical times.
Second one: Bigger is not always better When you set up your PV system and you do not take it in to consideration the amount of energy you produce and the amount you use up you might be losing money.
If the production is bigger than the consumption that is money thrown out the window.
The thing is that the excess power won't be used up and your initial investment will yield returns much later than if you opt for a smaller PV system.
Third One:Wanting solar power when there is is not that much Probably one of the most considerable mistakes to make.
Going through the whole going green and using solar power when in the location you are leaving there is not that much.
You might not be able to get your initial investment back.
It might be a better idea to invest in geothermal system which does the heating and cooling.
And if you are really interested in saving the planet than donate to charities if the location where you live is not suitable for green living.
In conclusion going green and harnessing solar power in theory is a great idea, though before committing to an idea such as this one should really think about it and measure up if it is worth going through it or not.
In the big haste people make mistakes and these mistakes sooner or later will cost them money.
Continuing along with this article you will learn about the top three most common mistakes that you should avoid when you plan to use solar power instead of the conventional one.
There are many mistakes but these three are the most crucial ones so be aware.
First one: Going off the grid with out a thinking about it first If you want to live green and save money as well and you have to choose from installing a PV panel or staying on the grid than the later one is the better options.
Because if you do decide to go of grid and live off solar power then you will be need batteries and lots of them.
Even if you you rechargeable one they will die off sooner or later and your left with dangerous garbage.
Another positive for staying on the grid is that you won't be able to get a mortgage if you are not on it.
And this might prove to be difficult in these challenging economical times.
Second one: Bigger is not always better When you set up your PV system and you do not take it in to consideration the amount of energy you produce and the amount you use up you might be losing money.
If the production is bigger than the consumption that is money thrown out the window.
The thing is that the excess power won't be used up and your initial investment will yield returns much later than if you opt for a smaller PV system.
Third One:Wanting solar power when there is is not that much Probably one of the most considerable mistakes to make.
Going through the whole going green and using solar power when in the location you are leaving there is not that much.
You might not be able to get your initial investment back.
It might be a better idea to invest in geothermal system which does the heating and cooling.
And if you are really interested in saving the planet than donate to charities if the location where you live is not suitable for green living.
In conclusion going green and harnessing solar power in theory is a great idea, though before committing to an idea such as this one should really think about it and measure up if it is worth going through it or not.