Home Remedy For Curing Acne - Step 2
If you've been following my blog about home remedies for curing acne, then you know that the all-important first step for clearing up your skin is getting enough sleep every night.
This is a solid, long-term solution and you will definitely notice your acne clearing up over time.
But what if you need a quick fix for those blemishes? I understand that you're eager to see clear skin within a few days, and don't worry-I've got plenty of natural cures coming your way that will clear up your skin fast.
You already know all those creams and scrubs don't do anything for your skin.
They are over-priced and over-rated and completely ineffective.
Fortunately, mother nature has your back.
If you thought vitamin C is just a health gimmick from the citrus market, think again.
This vitamin has amazing healing powers, and in it's natural state can do wonders for acne.
Vitamin C should be taken internally each day to strengthen the immune system tp prevent breakouts.
A dosage of 500-1000 milligrams each day is effective.
But don't forget to use this powerful vitamin topically, too.
You can buy the expensive creams that have vitamin C plastered on the box, but you can never be sure how much of the vitamin in actually in the product.
You may be shelling out a lot of money for a cheap product with a citrus scent.
One of the easiest ways to apply vitamin C to your skin is plain old orange juice.
Swipe a juice-soaked cotton swab over your face morning and night.
The vitamin C in the juice not only prevents blemishes, but will also help to heal dark spots and acne scars.
You can also make a paste of citrus juice and baking soda for a refreshing facial scrub.
These tips are inexpensive and far more effective than the chemical products that claim to cure acne.
Learn more important tips for curing your acne at home.
This is a solid, long-term solution and you will definitely notice your acne clearing up over time.
But what if you need a quick fix for those blemishes? I understand that you're eager to see clear skin within a few days, and don't worry-I've got plenty of natural cures coming your way that will clear up your skin fast.
You already know all those creams and scrubs don't do anything for your skin.
They are over-priced and over-rated and completely ineffective.
Fortunately, mother nature has your back.
If you thought vitamin C is just a health gimmick from the citrus market, think again.
This vitamin has amazing healing powers, and in it's natural state can do wonders for acne.
Vitamin C should be taken internally each day to strengthen the immune system tp prevent breakouts.
A dosage of 500-1000 milligrams each day is effective.
But don't forget to use this powerful vitamin topically, too.
You can buy the expensive creams that have vitamin C plastered on the box, but you can never be sure how much of the vitamin in actually in the product.
You may be shelling out a lot of money for a cheap product with a citrus scent.
One of the easiest ways to apply vitamin C to your skin is plain old orange juice.
Swipe a juice-soaked cotton swab over your face morning and night.
The vitamin C in the juice not only prevents blemishes, but will also help to heal dark spots and acne scars.
You can also make a paste of citrus juice and baking soda for a refreshing facial scrub.
These tips are inexpensive and far more effective than the chemical products that claim to cure acne.
Learn more important tips for curing your acne at home.