Acne Treatment Tips For Bodybuilders
It is very common for bodybuilders to focus so much on their muscles that they forget that that isn't the only aspect of their appearance.
Having great ripped abdominals as well as biceps and calves that could make Mr.
Olympia become intimidated is good.
But there is still more to it than that.
The skin of a bodybuilder is constantly covered in sweat and wiping the face with the hands is simply transferring germs onto your sensitive skin.
It is quite common for bodybuilders to have really bad skin.
This greatly toes down the overall picture and reduces it to just a really hug guy with really bad skin.
Acne is the most common skin disorders among bodybuilders.
If you are on steroids especially, then brace yourself for a serious acne break out.
There are also very many supplements which yield tremendous effects to your body but do horrors to your skin.
Behind the tab of the supplement in very small font size you'll the side effects written.
The most common one being"may cause acne.
" Here are some truths about acne.
They are not caused by taking certain foods for example deep fried fatty foods.
You can't get acne just because you touched your face with dirty hand.
It is simply not caused by dirt that's lying on the surface of your skin.
On the contrary acne is caused by the accumulation of dead skin cells.
They clog the pores of the skin and this leads to an increased sebum production as the body's own cleaning mechanism.
But the fact that the pores are clogged, the sebum has no exit and therefore an acne breakout occurs.
Washing your face 5 times a day and scrubbing it ever so often will still not rid you of your acne.
There are some products in the market that can help.
For serious cane I would advice you to first consult a dermatologist before you go out trying stuff on your face.
Ingredients like Salicylic acid, Benzoyl peroxide and alpha hydroxyl acids are active ingredients that help combat acne.
Vitamin B5 and zinc is a good way to clear your acne.
Secondly, you need to frequently moisturize your skin.
If you want to especially either gain or loose weight, you have to moisturize your body thoroughly.
Stretch marks are formed when the skid rapidly stretches or contracts due to either weight loss or gain.
By moisturizing, your skin becomes more flexible so to speak.
It is supple and any stretching or contracting will be done with greater ease and hence reduce the risk of you getting stretch marks.
As it is thee are no known products that can completely remove your stretch marks.
The most that they can do is simply ensure that their appearance is less visible.
Invest in some high quality moisturizer and no, it's not a woman's thing only.
Also getting a great tan will take flaunting what you have to a whole new level.
Finally work on a great posture and there you have it.
Having great ripped abdominals as well as biceps and calves that could make Mr.
Olympia become intimidated is good.
But there is still more to it than that.
The skin of a bodybuilder is constantly covered in sweat and wiping the face with the hands is simply transferring germs onto your sensitive skin.
It is quite common for bodybuilders to have really bad skin.
This greatly toes down the overall picture and reduces it to just a really hug guy with really bad skin.
Acne is the most common skin disorders among bodybuilders.
If you are on steroids especially, then brace yourself for a serious acne break out.
There are also very many supplements which yield tremendous effects to your body but do horrors to your skin.
Behind the tab of the supplement in very small font size you'll the side effects written.
The most common one being"may cause acne.
" Here are some truths about acne.
They are not caused by taking certain foods for example deep fried fatty foods.
You can't get acne just because you touched your face with dirty hand.
It is simply not caused by dirt that's lying on the surface of your skin.
On the contrary acne is caused by the accumulation of dead skin cells.
They clog the pores of the skin and this leads to an increased sebum production as the body's own cleaning mechanism.
But the fact that the pores are clogged, the sebum has no exit and therefore an acne breakout occurs.
Washing your face 5 times a day and scrubbing it ever so often will still not rid you of your acne.
There are some products in the market that can help.
For serious cane I would advice you to first consult a dermatologist before you go out trying stuff on your face.
Ingredients like Salicylic acid, Benzoyl peroxide and alpha hydroxyl acids are active ingredients that help combat acne.
Vitamin B5 and zinc is a good way to clear your acne.
Secondly, you need to frequently moisturize your skin.
If you want to especially either gain or loose weight, you have to moisturize your body thoroughly.
Stretch marks are formed when the skid rapidly stretches or contracts due to either weight loss or gain.
By moisturizing, your skin becomes more flexible so to speak.
It is supple and any stretching or contracting will be done with greater ease and hence reduce the risk of you getting stretch marks.
As it is thee are no known products that can completely remove your stretch marks.
The most that they can do is simply ensure that their appearance is less visible.
Invest in some high quality moisturizer and no, it's not a woman's thing only.
Also getting a great tan will take flaunting what you have to a whole new level.
Finally work on a great posture and there you have it.