Signs of a Guilty Spouse That May Lead to Adultery
Relationships aren't perfect, essentially, since people aren't perfect.
This is a given fact of life.
Yet, regardless of all of these imperfections inherent in every person, we're able to easily work through problems and cultivate stronger relationships with those that we love.
As I'm sure you realize, this approach only works when both spouses are truly looking out for each other's best interests.
The problems come when the heart of one of the spouses has swayed from the path of the relationship.
Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on how you look at it, whenever something like this happens there are ALWAYS signs.
Below we'll deal with 5 signs of a guilty spouse.
Top 5 Signs of a Cheating Spouse #1.
Irregularities in Conduct The first sign one should look for is irregularities in conduct.
This should not be too difficult to distinguish especially if you have already spent a good amount of time with your spouse.
If all of a sudden your spouse comes home later and later, or leaves earlier and earlier, something might be rotten in the state of your love life.
Generally irregularities in conduct mean that the individual is trying to avoid you, which means they have something to hide.
If you begin to notice sudden irregularities in the conduct of your spouse, be aware and be on the look out.
However, that being said, remember that at times people like to plan "surprise birthdays" or "surprise gifts" of which their conduct will also turn irregular.
Don't blow anything out of proportion and don't jump to conclusions right away.
You owe it to yourself to do some investigation before taking action.
Vague Interactions Become Frequent You will definitely be able to tell whether a person is guilty or not when your interaction and dialogue with the individual becomes very watered down and vague.
The reason a guilty spouse would avoid conversation is because they don't want you to know the truth and would much rather not interact with you at all.
When deep emotional conversation begins to fade away and is replaced with insignificant small talk, be on the look out.
Eye Contact A guilty person will either do two things to cover his or her guilt.
The first of which is to completely avoid eye contact.
When you're cheating shame fills your heart, and since the "eyes are the windows to the soul", the guilty party will do everything in his or her power to NOT show you those windows.
Conversely, the same is actually true for someone who is unbreaking in their eye contact, because when someone lies to you they either over correct or they want to see if you are buying their lies or not.
Next time you have a normal conversation with a friend or family member, try to take note on their eye contact.
Notice that at times they look at you and at times they don't.
This is because when it comes to guiltless conversations, people are not trying to hide anything.
Whenever either too much eye contact or the absolute evasion of it comes into play, you know something is amiss.
Eye Movements Eye movements are just as important to knowing whether your spouse is lying as in the case of eye contact.
You see, your brain functions in a logical sense and an abstract sense.
These are referred to as Right hemisphere and left Hemisphere, both of which have their function.
The left hemisphere is your logical side, it is your reason and it is your memories.
The right hemisphere is your artistic side, the place where you create and where abstract thinking is born.
Your eye movements will show what part of the brain you are accessing.
For instance if a right-handed person looks to the left top corner of his eyes, it means that he/she is visually constructing an image, meaning "making things up.
" If your spouse is lying to you then they will create a story to back up their lies.
The simplest measure of finding out whether they lie or not is by asking them questions that they did not think of and then seeing whether they will recall information or construct it.
Powerful stuff.
Temperament Finally the temper of your spouse will be drastically altered, especially when interacting with you.
Remember, though, that stress can also change conduct and temperament, but if your spouse is unwilling to talk about it...
there might be something more than just simple stress.
This is a given fact of life.
Yet, regardless of all of these imperfections inherent in every person, we're able to easily work through problems and cultivate stronger relationships with those that we love.
As I'm sure you realize, this approach only works when both spouses are truly looking out for each other's best interests.
The problems come when the heart of one of the spouses has swayed from the path of the relationship.
Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on how you look at it, whenever something like this happens there are ALWAYS signs.
Below we'll deal with 5 signs of a guilty spouse.
Top 5 Signs of a Cheating Spouse #1.
Irregularities in Conduct The first sign one should look for is irregularities in conduct.
This should not be too difficult to distinguish especially if you have already spent a good amount of time with your spouse.
If all of a sudden your spouse comes home later and later, or leaves earlier and earlier, something might be rotten in the state of your love life.
Generally irregularities in conduct mean that the individual is trying to avoid you, which means they have something to hide.
If you begin to notice sudden irregularities in the conduct of your spouse, be aware and be on the look out.
However, that being said, remember that at times people like to plan "surprise birthdays" or "surprise gifts" of which their conduct will also turn irregular.
Don't blow anything out of proportion and don't jump to conclusions right away.
You owe it to yourself to do some investigation before taking action.
Vague Interactions Become Frequent You will definitely be able to tell whether a person is guilty or not when your interaction and dialogue with the individual becomes very watered down and vague.
The reason a guilty spouse would avoid conversation is because they don't want you to know the truth and would much rather not interact with you at all.
When deep emotional conversation begins to fade away and is replaced with insignificant small talk, be on the look out.
Eye Contact A guilty person will either do two things to cover his or her guilt.
The first of which is to completely avoid eye contact.
When you're cheating shame fills your heart, and since the "eyes are the windows to the soul", the guilty party will do everything in his or her power to NOT show you those windows.
Conversely, the same is actually true for someone who is unbreaking in their eye contact, because when someone lies to you they either over correct or they want to see if you are buying their lies or not.
Next time you have a normal conversation with a friend or family member, try to take note on their eye contact.
Notice that at times they look at you and at times they don't.
This is because when it comes to guiltless conversations, people are not trying to hide anything.
Whenever either too much eye contact or the absolute evasion of it comes into play, you know something is amiss.
Eye Movements Eye movements are just as important to knowing whether your spouse is lying as in the case of eye contact.
You see, your brain functions in a logical sense and an abstract sense.
These are referred to as Right hemisphere and left Hemisphere, both of which have their function.
The left hemisphere is your logical side, it is your reason and it is your memories.
The right hemisphere is your artistic side, the place where you create and where abstract thinking is born.
Your eye movements will show what part of the brain you are accessing.
For instance if a right-handed person looks to the left top corner of his eyes, it means that he/she is visually constructing an image, meaning "making things up.
" If your spouse is lying to you then they will create a story to back up their lies.
The simplest measure of finding out whether they lie or not is by asking them questions that they did not think of and then seeing whether they will recall information or construct it.
Powerful stuff.
Temperament Finally the temper of your spouse will be drastically altered, especially when interacting with you.
Remember, though, that stress can also change conduct and temperament, but if your spouse is unwilling to talk about it...
there might be something more than just simple stress.