Purpose of Life
Life is the best tools to get achievement here after now it depends of person that how he will utilize the life. many of the people use their life in wrong way and spoil their hereafter. This life is the gift of GOD with different rules and regulation to spend. There are many religious who guide the human being how to live life with limitation. All religious are the same focus that believe in one GOD who is one and there is no any one who compare with, GOD has a power there is no any one who compare with, GOD hasn't any similarity, he is a single. Now there are many other religious who focus on the same meaning but the followers are not believing because of the worship as their parents did not as their BOOKS teach.
Islam is religion that teaches the human being the right path because islam is the words of GOD and the prove is QURAAN (the holy book). In start of the QURAAN GOD promised that there won't be changes in HOLY QURAAN till doomsday and from 500dc to 2014 we did not find any changes that is the vital example of GOD's words.
There are many rivals who propaganda against islam and misguide human being to keeping away from islam but islam is one of the religion which spreads fast then any religion. Always judge religion by their books and words not by their people because people can be shown wrong presentation of religion. Like if in a CHRISTIAN boy is committing deeds against Christianity then it doesn't mean to judge. In briefly we should study religious and try to understand what other religious are saying like QURAAN and HOLY BIBLE are related to each other but there are many people do not know that.
There are many rivals who propaganda against islam and misguide human being to keeping away from islam but islam is one of the religion which spreads fast then any religion. Always judge religion by their books and words not by their people because people can be shown wrong presentation of religion. Like if in a CHRISTIAN boy is committing deeds against Christianity then it doesn't mean to judge. In briefly we should study religious and try to understand what other religious are saying like QURAAN and HOLY BIBLE are related to each other but there are many people do not know that.
Life is the best tools to get achievement here after now it depends of person that how he will utilize the life. many of the people use their life in wrong way and spoil their hereafter. This life is the gift of GOD with different rules and regulation to spend. There are many religious who guide the human being how to live life with limitation. All religious are the same focus that believe in one GOD who is one and there is no any one who compare with, GOD has a power there is no any one who compare with, GOD hasn't any similarity, he is a single. Now there are many other religious who focus on the same meaning but the followers are not believing because of the worship as their parents did not as their BOOKS teach.
Islam is religion that teaches the human being the right path because islam is the words of GOD and the prove is QURAAN (the holy book). In start of the QURAAN GOD promised that there won't be changes in HOLY QURAAN till doomsday and from 500dc to 2014 we did not find any changes that is the vital example of GOD's words.
There are many rivals who propaganda against islam and misguide human being to keeping away from islam but islam is one of the religion which spreads fast then any religion. Always judge religion by their books and words not by their people because people can be shown wrong presentation of religion. Like if in a CHRISTIAN boy is committing deeds against Christianity then it doesn't mean to judge. In briefly we should study religious and try to understand what other religious are saying like QURAAN and HOLY BIBLE are related to each other but there are many people do not know that.
There are many rivals who propaganda against islam and misguide human being to keeping away from islam but islam is one of the religion which spreads fast then any religion. Always judge religion by their books and words not by their people because people can be shown wrong presentation of religion. Like if in a CHRISTIAN boy is committing deeds against Christianity then it doesn't mean to judge. In briefly we should study religious and try to understand what other religious are saying like QURAAN and HOLY BIBLE are related to each other but there are many people do not know that.