What Does College Tuition Pay For?
- In exchange for tuition, students receive the ability to sign up for a specified number of credit hours for one price. Typically the number of credit hours full-time tuition pays for is between 12 and 18, meaning that students typically pay to take between four and six classes each term.
- At some colleges and universities, tuition allows students to utilize facilities and services offered by the institution free of charge. This includes checking out books from the college's libraries, using its computers, receiving free health care from its student health department and utilizing exercise facilities. Some colleges also offer free childcare for students' children as a part of tuition.
- Many colleges have partnerships with the cities and cultural facilities adjacent to them. This often results in tuition-paying college students being able to utilize free public transportation and admission to museums and other places of interest.
- A 2007 study published by the College Board showed that students with a bachelor's degree earned an average of 60 percent more than those who only completed high school. This indicates that one of the major benefits of college tuition is higher earning power after graduation.
- There are many options available to students who are concerned about the cost of college tuition, such as university and state financial aid, federal grants and student loans. In addition, a number of scholarships are available to offset the cost of higher education, based upon need, grades and athletic ability.
Facilities and Services