Being an Entrepreneur - Life Begins At the End of Your Comfort Zone
While visiting with friends or neighbors who are currently sitting on unemployment for over a year, I find myself amazed.
Some of these friends are currently out of unemployment and on the verge of losing their homes.
I am not merely talking about one or two individuals or homes, I am talking about five or more that I have spoken with in the past few months.
The conversations are not amazing in a good way but rather in a way that would leave many thinking and asking, "Is this what we have come to in America?" I believe that much of what we're experiencing now in that arena, called employment, is begging for us to step outside of our comfort zone.
We can no longer sit content or discontented with the way American business and industry is proceeding to hire or lay-off individuals.
I say "content" because there are those who are content to sit on unemployment for a spell.
However that does not put you in alignment with a better tomorrow, unless you are thinking outside of the box while sitting there.
If you are truly going to find yourself in a substantially better situation, it is time to think in a new way.
One way to do that is to do some research on trends and see where and how people are reinventing themselves.
Then try to see how you can reinvent yourself in any of those areas of new industry or try to invent something that will fill a gap you might see in the emerging business culture and what it is offering.
There are so many ways to reinvent yourself that the possibilities are truly endless.
What keeps so many on unemployment and counting on that? Certainly, it could be associated with a variety of things but at the root of it all is fear.
The fear paralyzes them making them incapable of moving outside of their comfort zones.
When I ask them about their job searches, some tell me that they have thought outside of the box because at this point they're willing to go work at a fast food restaurant if necessary.
However, while that is commendable that they are willing to take any job that may come along, it also speaks of how they are more comfortable doing that then stepping out on their own comfort zone.
No one wants to go out on a limb when they feel there may be a ladder out there.
Even if they have to start at the bottom rung by working at a fast food restaurant; that is just more feasible to them.
Now, let me be clear here and state that fast food restaurants have a great business and employ many wonderful people.
I am not, by any means, trying to speak ill about working at any of our more famous fast food joints.
What I am trying to point out is how some people who would have never thought of working at a fast food joint prior to their current situation, are willing to go there rather than embark into the unknown.
However, the truth is that the realm of all possibility exists in the unknown.
It is there that we tap into the creative spark that I believe is the ever increasing source of all creation.
We are creative beings and this current economic state is calling us to tap into that creative spark and step outside of our comfort zone to become entrepreneurs.
It is calling us to revamp the norms of employment and compensation and to become the creators of jobs for ourselves in the short term and then for others in the long term as we grow our businesses.
Many are currently doing it.
I started reinventing myself months before I formed my business and continue to do so as I grow my business.
I have been unemployed and on the verge of foreclosure and even at those times, I sought out whatever I thought might help me to be that entrepreneur that I longed to be.
Nothing worthwhile is gained through lack of persistence.
In order to achieve anything great, you must first have a vision of what may be possible but even if you don't have that vision, who is to say that if you just start, it will not work out because of no initial vision.
Sometimes the vision is formed while you're on the road to more.
Just start! Those who are on unemployment or who may have run out of their unemployment benefits may state that they have no funds and no credit worthiness at this point to be able to borrow for funds to start a business.
Again I challenge them to think outside of the box and realize that many of today's businesses were started with little or no money.
Some may have engaged in creative financing with credit cards and such or loans from family members who had available funds but they were started.
So, while you're sitting in a place that looks dark and grim with regard to your financial future and stability, perhaps the thing to do is to take an inventory of your current skills and knowledge.
I admonish you to not only look at the skills from previous jobs but those acquired from parenting or being involved in volunteer work on community committees.
Sometimes the work we're meant to do or our personal calling is something that we've been doing all along on a social level such as advising others on their career advancement or perhaps cooking baked goods for community bake sales or fundraisers.
Try just thinking this through and you'll come to realize that many things can be started right from within your own home or kitchen and truly on a shoe string.
As an entrepreneur, you'll come to realize that life really does begin at the end of your comfort zone.
So, reinvent yourself and along the way, if you need any help in figuring it all out or uncovering the next step, please don't hesitate to contact me via the contact form on my website.
I would be most delighted to use my uncovered calling to help you.
It would bring me so much joy to help you through the process of becoming that innovative entrepreneur who moves past their current comfort zone and on to wondrous new sources of income and success.
Some of these friends are currently out of unemployment and on the verge of losing their homes.
I am not merely talking about one or two individuals or homes, I am talking about five or more that I have spoken with in the past few months.
The conversations are not amazing in a good way but rather in a way that would leave many thinking and asking, "Is this what we have come to in America?" I believe that much of what we're experiencing now in that arena, called employment, is begging for us to step outside of our comfort zone.
We can no longer sit content or discontented with the way American business and industry is proceeding to hire or lay-off individuals.
I say "content" because there are those who are content to sit on unemployment for a spell.
However that does not put you in alignment with a better tomorrow, unless you are thinking outside of the box while sitting there.
If you are truly going to find yourself in a substantially better situation, it is time to think in a new way.
One way to do that is to do some research on trends and see where and how people are reinventing themselves.
Then try to see how you can reinvent yourself in any of those areas of new industry or try to invent something that will fill a gap you might see in the emerging business culture and what it is offering.
There are so many ways to reinvent yourself that the possibilities are truly endless.
What keeps so many on unemployment and counting on that? Certainly, it could be associated with a variety of things but at the root of it all is fear.
The fear paralyzes them making them incapable of moving outside of their comfort zones.
When I ask them about their job searches, some tell me that they have thought outside of the box because at this point they're willing to go work at a fast food restaurant if necessary.
However, while that is commendable that they are willing to take any job that may come along, it also speaks of how they are more comfortable doing that then stepping out on their own comfort zone.
No one wants to go out on a limb when they feel there may be a ladder out there.
Even if they have to start at the bottom rung by working at a fast food restaurant; that is just more feasible to them.
Now, let me be clear here and state that fast food restaurants have a great business and employ many wonderful people.
I am not, by any means, trying to speak ill about working at any of our more famous fast food joints.
What I am trying to point out is how some people who would have never thought of working at a fast food joint prior to their current situation, are willing to go there rather than embark into the unknown.
However, the truth is that the realm of all possibility exists in the unknown.
It is there that we tap into the creative spark that I believe is the ever increasing source of all creation.
We are creative beings and this current economic state is calling us to tap into that creative spark and step outside of our comfort zone to become entrepreneurs.
It is calling us to revamp the norms of employment and compensation and to become the creators of jobs for ourselves in the short term and then for others in the long term as we grow our businesses.
Many are currently doing it.
I started reinventing myself months before I formed my business and continue to do so as I grow my business.
I have been unemployed and on the verge of foreclosure and even at those times, I sought out whatever I thought might help me to be that entrepreneur that I longed to be.
Nothing worthwhile is gained through lack of persistence.
In order to achieve anything great, you must first have a vision of what may be possible but even if you don't have that vision, who is to say that if you just start, it will not work out because of no initial vision.
Sometimes the vision is formed while you're on the road to more.
Just start! Those who are on unemployment or who may have run out of their unemployment benefits may state that they have no funds and no credit worthiness at this point to be able to borrow for funds to start a business.
Again I challenge them to think outside of the box and realize that many of today's businesses were started with little or no money.
Some may have engaged in creative financing with credit cards and such or loans from family members who had available funds but they were started.
So, while you're sitting in a place that looks dark and grim with regard to your financial future and stability, perhaps the thing to do is to take an inventory of your current skills and knowledge.
I admonish you to not only look at the skills from previous jobs but those acquired from parenting or being involved in volunteer work on community committees.
Sometimes the work we're meant to do or our personal calling is something that we've been doing all along on a social level such as advising others on their career advancement or perhaps cooking baked goods for community bake sales or fundraisers.
Try just thinking this through and you'll come to realize that many things can be started right from within your own home or kitchen and truly on a shoe string.
As an entrepreneur, you'll come to realize that life really does begin at the end of your comfort zone.
So, reinvent yourself and along the way, if you need any help in figuring it all out or uncovering the next step, please don't hesitate to contact me via the contact form on my website.
I would be most delighted to use my uncovered calling to help you.
It would bring me so much joy to help you through the process of becoming that innovative entrepreneur who moves past their current comfort zone and on to wondrous new sources of income and success.