Video: How to Divide Three Digits by Two
Video Transcript
Hi, my name's Stefan. Today, I'm gonna be speaking on how to divide a three digit number by a two digit number. Now let's say we have the number 325, and you want to divide that by 25. Now dividing three digit numbers by a two digit numbers is the same as you do with the one digit, but instead of just looking at the first digit, you look at the first two digits. Before when you divided with one, a one digit number, you just looked at the first digit. But in this case, you look at the first two digits. So, 25 goes into 32 how many times? One. And you're left with 25 from 32, that equals seven. And now you bring down your five. And now again we're looking at these two digits with the first, the divisor here, now how many times does 25 go into 75? Three times. Three times 25 is 75, and you're left with zero. And that's how you divide by tow digits. When divided by two digits, you always group the divide dividend by two. Look at the first two, and then the next.