Toned Body - How to Stop Losing 2 Lbs One Week Only to Gain it Back the Next Week
What if there was a way you could lose the pounds you don't want, what if there was a way you could do it and never gain it back? Just imagine what it would feel like to fit comfortably into the clothes you want every day of your life.
Now get used to the idea, because there is a way to have the toned body you want.
You already know this, starving yourself to death is not the way.
Dieting is actually not the way.
Studies have shown that when you diet, you mess up your body's internal mechanism for regulating how much it takes for you to feel stop feeling hungry, you teach yourself to attach emotions to food and eating.
Not to mention that if you lose weight fast, you don't lose only fat, you lose muscle (including heart), kidney, liver, etc.
One of the reasons you're not losing the weight you want permanently has to do with the sheer amount of nonsensical information flooding your days that looks like good information.
You probably know that long ago, obesity was not a problem in this country.
And they did not follow the Atkins diet, or the South Beach Diet, or any such diets.
They did not have pre-packaged foods, they ate less fat, more fruits and vegetables.
And they moved about more then we do today.
Common sense says that if we were to copy what how our ancestors ate and move about more, we'd have no obesity problem either.
So when you look at ways to lose weight, stay thin and toned, use the above as a guideline.
Use your common sense when analyzing any lose weight and get toned program.
The main question after "Is it healthy?" should be "Can I do this program forever and ever?" Losing weight is simple, eat a healthy diet, exercise.
But it's hard.
The main reason it's hard: people chose ways of losing weight that they cannot do forever.
Either they eat too little, they don't understand that losing weight and staying thin is something you do every day, day in and day out, or they chose exercises that are too hard or too boring.
So choose a program that addresses both what you eat and exercising and that your common sense finds appealing and reasonable.
Also, make sure that you really think you can do it forever and ever.
You, the way you are right now, the way you think and feel right now.
Chose right and you shall enter the league of the permanently slender and toned.
Now get used to the idea, because there is a way to have the toned body you want.
You already know this, starving yourself to death is not the way.
Dieting is actually not the way.
Studies have shown that when you diet, you mess up your body's internal mechanism for regulating how much it takes for you to feel stop feeling hungry, you teach yourself to attach emotions to food and eating.
Not to mention that if you lose weight fast, you don't lose only fat, you lose muscle (including heart), kidney, liver, etc.
One of the reasons you're not losing the weight you want permanently has to do with the sheer amount of nonsensical information flooding your days that looks like good information.
You probably know that long ago, obesity was not a problem in this country.
And they did not follow the Atkins diet, or the South Beach Diet, or any such diets.
They did not have pre-packaged foods, they ate less fat, more fruits and vegetables.
And they moved about more then we do today.
Common sense says that if we were to copy what how our ancestors ate and move about more, we'd have no obesity problem either.
So when you look at ways to lose weight, stay thin and toned, use the above as a guideline.
Use your common sense when analyzing any lose weight and get toned program.
The main question after "Is it healthy?" should be "Can I do this program forever and ever?" Losing weight is simple, eat a healthy diet, exercise.
But it's hard.
The main reason it's hard: people chose ways of losing weight that they cannot do forever.
Either they eat too little, they don't understand that losing weight and staying thin is something you do every day, day in and day out, or they chose exercises that are too hard or too boring.
So choose a program that addresses both what you eat and exercising and that your common sense finds appealing and reasonable.
Also, make sure that you really think you can do it forever and ever.
You, the way you are right now, the way you think and feel right now.
Chose right and you shall enter the league of the permanently slender and toned.