Grief at The Loss Of a Loved One - Dealing With Grief
As a clairvoyant, I can see my loved ones in other realms.
I feel Louise take my arm often and hear her laughing.
This doesn't mean that I would not want her to actually walk into the room, embodied.
It is a different sort of hug from realm to realm, a bit more intangible.
Even for the clairvoyant, the physical loss is not always an easy one.
Although over time we become familiar with the changes in form, the new reality.
The Beauty of it.
In some ways it is more Beautiful - the transparency and the clarity are breathtaking, the simplicity of feeling.
It becomes a different relationship, and in many ways it is deeper, stronger and more tender than ever.
And the Love is so immense and continuous, on all sides.
No disputes, no disagreements.
No egos to deal with.
Just the Love.
Do I still miss them all, in their physical bodies? Yes!Do I still cry sometimes? Yes!But it is a different sort of missing them - because they are here with me.
So I am crying a little while they themselves comfort me.
And after I cry a little, then I can just enjoy our relationship the way it is, with all the differences in realms and forms.
Our realms are not that different, nor that distant; the body I carry with me does not fully obscure the soul.
There is a constant interweaving of Hearts, both here on earth and from realm to realm, that most of us are not consciously aware of.
That does not mean that this connection does not exist.
It is only hidden from us.
For the non-clairvoyant, more Faith is needed.
And when one develops that Faith, then one begins to feel the Love coming from those realms.
Then we have the comfort and support of that Love.
The beings in other realms Love us with a Love we can barely imagine - and they wish us to know this.
Our grief can block the Love they send us.
So this Faith is important for the Peace and flow of Love from realm to realm, for and from all beings, in all realms.
On earth we experience a separation that is not ultimately real.
Once we reach a certain level of spiritual attainment, those separations begin to dissolve.
Ultimately - we are all the same essence, and every relationship is soul to soul.
The dog, the cat, my mother, my neighbor, my friend, the saint - we are all one and indistinguishable in Source and Essence.
The individual forms are just floating on that Divine Essence.
That is what I clairvoyantly see.
Even the coal stove is a form floating on that Divinity.
Clairvoyantly, what I see is so wondrous.
My clairvoyance is not limited to: "Your father just showed up in my living room.
"What I see is immense, infinitely complicated and infinitely simple.
The wonder and the beauty of what I am sometimes shown, what we are actually living, could not be put into words.
What we humans normally experience and perceive - is only the tip of the iceberg.
I am now struggling to express the wonder that I feel and the magic of the interweavings of realities that exist in our lives - and the Divine Ideas behind the realities.
So immense, and all so carefully orchestrated.
Sometimes, if we get even a glimpse, we will call it mere coincidence - if we even notice.
What I clairvoyantly see is that we are all connected, human heart to human heart and hearts from realm to realm.
What I clairvoyantly glimpse is very like the motives and musical themes, phrases and sections of a beautiful piece that I am composing or interpreting on the piano.
Themes and tones come into being, creating musical lines and harmonies, so many layers effortlessly forming to create this one moment in time.
All the words in any book I could write might create a second of experience in our lives.
Even the most advanced and mystical clairvoyants only get a brief Glimpse of this intricate truth.
Why all this is kept from us here on earth is a mystery.
If we saw this beautiful immensity and intricacy, we would be so grateful, and we would live entirely different lives.
Using what words I can find, I am trying to present the concept, the idea that this immense and complicated larger Reality exists.
That we do not know, do not see the entire picture.
Because if we think this conventional, physical earth reality is all there is - then we are headed for a lot of trouble and much suffering.
If I am experiencing a difficult time, I tell myself that I am not seeing the entire picture, I will undoubtedly never know the whole picture.
But I do know that Divine Ideas are at work, every moment of every day, and that Divine Love is behind every event in the universe.
Either the Divine has caused the event or the Divine allowed it for the good of the souls involved.
Knowing that I do not know everything, that I do not see the whole - brings me back to Peace.
As for the natural and understandable pain of loss that you are feeling: with practice, the knowledge that we are the soul becomes abiding.
At that point, one stands in that knowledge while experiencing the pain of the moment.
The pain then becomes like a cloud briefly passing before the sun, the blue sky only temporarily and partially obscured.
In our daily lives we are aware of both - the pain and suffering and disappointments of life and the remembrance that we are the soul.
In my experience, the only true antidote to the suffering of life is to remember that we are all the eternal soul.
Peace to all who read these lines.
I feel Louise take my arm often and hear her laughing.
This doesn't mean that I would not want her to actually walk into the room, embodied.
It is a different sort of hug from realm to realm, a bit more intangible.
Even for the clairvoyant, the physical loss is not always an easy one.
Although over time we become familiar with the changes in form, the new reality.
The Beauty of it.
In some ways it is more Beautiful - the transparency and the clarity are breathtaking, the simplicity of feeling.
It becomes a different relationship, and in many ways it is deeper, stronger and more tender than ever.
And the Love is so immense and continuous, on all sides.
No disputes, no disagreements.
No egos to deal with.
Just the Love.
Do I still miss them all, in their physical bodies? Yes!Do I still cry sometimes? Yes!But it is a different sort of missing them - because they are here with me.
So I am crying a little while they themselves comfort me.
And after I cry a little, then I can just enjoy our relationship the way it is, with all the differences in realms and forms.
Our realms are not that different, nor that distant; the body I carry with me does not fully obscure the soul.
There is a constant interweaving of Hearts, both here on earth and from realm to realm, that most of us are not consciously aware of.
That does not mean that this connection does not exist.
It is only hidden from us.
For the non-clairvoyant, more Faith is needed.
And when one develops that Faith, then one begins to feel the Love coming from those realms.
Then we have the comfort and support of that Love.
The beings in other realms Love us with a Love we can barely imagine - and they wish us to know this.
Our grief can block the Love they send us.
So this Faith is important for the Peace and flow of Love from realm to realm, for and from all beings, in all realms.
On earth we experience a separation that is not ultimately real.
Once we reach a certain level of spiritual attainment, those separations begin to dissolve.
Ultimately - we are all the same essence, and every relationship is soul to soul.
The dog, the cat, my mother, my neighbor, my friend, the saint - we are all one and indistinguishable in Source and Essence.
The individual forms are just floating on that Divine Essence.
That is what I clairvoyantly see.
Even the coal stove is a form floating on that Divinity.
Clairvoyantly, what I see is so wondrous.
My clairvoyance is not limited to: "Your father just showed up in my living room.
"What I see is immense, infinitely complicated and infinitely simple.
The wonder and the beauty of what I am sometimes shown, what we are actually living, could not be put into words.
What we humans normally experience and perceive - is only the tip of the iceberg.
I am now struggling to express the wonder that I feel and the magic of the interweavings of realities that exist in our lives - and the Divine Ideas behind the realities.
So immense, and all so carefully orchestrated.
Sometimes, if we get even a glimpse, we will call it mere coincidence - if we even notice.
What I clairvoyantly see is that we are all connected, human heart to human heart and hearts from realm to realm.
What I clairvoyantly glimpse is very like the motives and musical themes, phrases and sections of a beautiful piece that I am composing or interpreting on the piano.
Themes and tones come into being, creating musical lines and harmonies, so many layers effortlessly forming to create this one moment in time.
All the words in any book I could write might create a second of experience in our lives.
Even the most advanced and mystical clairvoyants only get a brief Glimpse of this intricate truth.
Why all this is kept from us here on earth is a mystery.
If we saw this beautiful immensity and intricacy, we would be so grateful, and we would live entirely different lives.
Using what words I can find, I am trying to present the concept, the idea that this immense and complicated larger Reality exists.
That we do not know, do not see the entire picture.
Because if we think this conventional, physical earth reality is all there is - then we are headed for a lot of trouble and much suffering.
If I am experiencing a difficult time, I tell myself that I am not seeing the entire picture, I will undoubtedly never know the whole picture.
But I do know that Divine Ideas are at work, every moment of every day, and that Divine Love is behind every event in the universe.
Either the Divine has caused the event or the Divine allowed it for the good of the souls involved.
Knowing that I do not know everything, that I do not see the whole - brings me back to Peace.
As for the natural and understandable pain of loss that you are feeling: with practice, the knowledge that we are the soul becomes abiding.
At that point, one stands in that knowledge while experiencing the pain of the moment.
The pain then becomes like a cloud briefly passing before the sun, the blue sky only temporarily and partially obscured.
In our daily lives we are aware of both - the pain and suffering and disappointments of life and the remembrance that we are the soul.
In my experience, the only true antidote to the suffering of life is to remember that we are all the eternal soul.
Peace to all who read these lines.