How To Deal With Acne
Food is not the original cause of acne.
However, some sugar and fat in foods like tea, cake, chocolate, durian, mango, etc, are factors speeding up acne.
Acne develops when the body's sebaceous glands produce too much mucus.
This mucus combining with the mucus cells of the sebaceous glands clog the pores.
The push factors arising acne includes food, hormonal changes (such as first menstruation), stress, exposure to chemicals and drugs (such as group Corticoide, INH anti-TB medications, vitamin B12, members of contraception).
Acne develops through four stages: Blockage pore tube: The cells of the sebaceous duct and hair follicle dies will be excreted out through the leg feathers, but when they are not eliminated by natural mechanisms, it will cause congestion and prevent the movement of mucus in the tubes.
The excessive activity of sebaceous glands: The amount of mucus produced in the sebaceous glands is stimulated by hormones, mainly testosterone.
Hormone grows highest at the mature years, so mucus is produced increasingly.
Men often have severe acne more than females in adulthood because their testosterone is produced more.
It is believed that there is no acne in males when they remove both of the testicles.
The increase in activity of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria: Propionibacterium acnes bacteria present on the skin of many patients who have acne.
They will combine the amount of mucus and dead cells to increase the severity of acne and swelling pores.
Inflammatory condition of the pore: When bacteria Propionibacterium acnes attack the pores, the surface of the tube will be swelling.
This swelling causes the appearance of acne pus on the skin surface.
If the swelling process prolong and is untreated, the severe acne hair follicle will then develop, leading to infection as well as permanent scarring.
There has been no method completely prevent acne.
However, patients may prevent the development of acne by: - Take care of the skin each day, gently wash your face, do not rub the skin too hard and too often, respect the structure of the skin, not injected to heal.
- Reduce stress in your life.
- Avoid the causes excessive sweating.
Bath and wipe the body after sweating.
- Diets sweetened foods - fats, such as tea, cakes, chocolate, mango, durian...
- Do not rub the skin care products, especially as Crme (Cream), as oil...
- Do not use corticoide.
- Avoid constipation
However, some sugar and fat in foods like tea, cake, chocolate, durian, mango, etc, are factors speeding up acne.
Acne develops when the body's sebaceous glands produce too much mucus.
This mucus combining with the mucus cells of the sebaceous glands clog the pores.
The push factors arising acne includes food, hormonal changes (such as first menstruation), stress, exposure to chemicals and drugs (such as group Corticoide, INH anti-TB medications, vitamin B12, members of contraception).
Acne develops through four stages: Blockage pore tube: The cells of the sebaceous duct and hair follicle dies will be excreted out through the leg feathers, but when they are not eliminated by natural mechanisms, it will cause congestion and prevent the movement of mucus in the tubes.
The excessive activity of sebaceous glands: The amount of mucus produced in the sebaceous glands is stimulated by hormones, mainly testosterone.
Hormone grows highest at the mature years, so mucus is produced increasingly.
Men often have severe acne more than females in adulthood because their testosterone is produced more.
It is believed that there is no acne in males when they remove both of the testicles.
The increase in activity of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria: Propionibacterium acnes bacteria present on the skin of many patients who have acne.
They will combine the amount of mucus and dead cells to increase the severity of acne and swelling pores.
Inflammatory condition of the pore: When bacteria Propionibacterium acnes attack the pores, the surface of the tube will be swelling.
This swelling causes the appearance of acne pus on the skin surface.
If the swelling process prolong and is untreated, the severe acne hair follicle will then develop, leading to infection as well as permanent scarring.
There has been no method completely prevent acne.
However, patients may prevent the development of acne by: - Take care of the skin each day, gently wash your face, do not rub the skin too hard and too often, respect the structure of the skin, not injected to heal.
- Reduce stress in your life.
- Avoid the causes excessive sweating.
Bath and wipe the body after sweating.
- Diets sweetened foods - fats, such as tea, cakes, chocolate, mango, durian...
- Do not rub the skin care products, especially as Crme (Cream), as oil...
- Do not use corticoide.
- Avoid constipation