How to Feed an Underweight Cat
- 1). Schedule an appointment with your veterinarian so she can look over your cat. She'll be able to give you insight on why or how your cat is underweight, and what measures will help.
- 2). Select a cat food formulated for your cat's needs. For instance, if your cat's a senior, it may need a food specially formulated with extra protein to help preserve muscle. Other cat-food formulas are targeted at kittens, hairball control, upset-stomach control and indoor cats, to name a few. Avoid cat foods that are high in fat and low in other needed nutrients. Meat should always be the first ingredient listed on the nutritional-information label.
- 3). Set a feeding schedule. Three to six feedings per day with small portions not only helps you cat's metabolism but trains it to eat on a schedule.
- 4). Introduce canned soft cat food as a mix-in with dried cat food. This adds more flavor and nutrition, as well as calories to bulk up your cat.