Flowers to Plant in September
- Red, white, purple, pink and lilac phlox await the autumn gardener. Mix the colors for a wild array of blooms or use them to accent the house decor. Shasta daisies are a winner in any landscape and their white, pink or gold flowers thrive in the full September sun.
- Bulbs such as daffodils and tulips are best planted in September after the soil temperatures drop below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. They establish themselves during the fall with a strong root system and go dormant over the winter. When spring comes, the plants burst from the ground to reward your hard work from last autumn.
- Tulips may need replanting each autumn, but other bulbs such as daffodils, scilla and crocus normally don't. If they begin to appear overcrowded, you can carefully dig up and separate the individual bulbs in September and replant them in different spots.
- Perennials are best planted in September instead of the spring. The warmer soil, less soggy soil and more consistent weather provide an opportunity for the plants to set out stronger roots. Hostas, coneflowers and sea holly are all good examples of easy-to-grow perennials that work well with a fall planting.
Autumn Flowers
Planting Bulbs
Replanting Bulbs