California's Standards for the Third Grade
- Divided into the key components of listening and speaking, reading and writing, third grade English is divided into beginning, intermediate and advanced levels. Each of the third grade components is divided into critical skills such as comprehension (answering simple questions), organization (using complete sentences), analysis (following a story) and creation (writing simple sentences). By the end of third grade, students should be able to read and recite a simple narrative story, as well as compose their own simple narrative story.
- Third grade Math students will understand and use whole numbers, calculate and solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. They will understand and use fractions and decimals; be able to select appropriate symbols and operations in solving simple algebraic problems. They will use appropriate measurement tools in analyzing two-dimensional shapes. They will engage in simple probability problems; apply the whole of mathematical skills to solve word problems and generalize mathematical skills to other scenarios and problems.
- Third grade health and physical education students will analyze the life cycle, interpersonal relationships and personal decisions, decision making strategies, goal-setting strategies and promote health and well-being in their home and neighborhood. Additionally, third grade health and physical education students will practice movement skills, body management, locomotor movement skills, manipulative skills and rhythmic skills.
- Third grade history and social sciences students will analyze physical and human geography. They will describe the early history of Native Americans as well as analyze the history of the town or city in which they live and connect it to its earliest origins. They will understand the role of laws and the Constitution in their community and the country and demonstrate basic economic skills and concepts relating to the interaction between people and commerce.
- Third grade science students will analyze physical science concepts such as machine energy production and storage, evaporation and melting points and substance combination. They will also analyze life science concepts such as plant and animal structures, the plant and animal life cycle and the concept of extinction. Additionally, they will analyze earth science concepts such as star and lunar patterns and sun positioning. In labs, students will be able to make hypotheses, collect data and evaluate results.
English Language Arts
Health and Physical Education
History and Social Sciences