Soccer - The World"s Most Popular Game
One of the most popular sports ever played by man is the game called football or popularly known in the United States of America as soccer. At the dawn of the 21st century, the famous game was played by approximately 250 million people from more than 200 countries and with millions of followers from around the globe making it the world's most watched and most popular sports event. Like any other popular sport, soccer can be played by young children, high school, college students, out of school youth and professionals. Weekend soccer games and soccer leagues add up to the passion and excitement of watching of the most awaited event in the world that only happens every four years is the World Cup.
The popularity of the sport boosted up sales and also the popularity of not only soccer stores in Mississauga but across the globe that specialize in selling soccer products such soccers shoes, soccer jerseysand other popular soccer merchandise. Some stores that specialize in selling soccer products also have signature soccer products that are being indorsed by popular soccer players. These merchandises are usually expensive but are the ones bought by many soccer enthusiasts.
History of Soccer
The deep origins of football have its roots traced centuries before the International Federation of Association of Football recognized birth of the modern football game in England in 1863. One of the earliest civilization to play a similar type of game was the Chinese Han dynasty in 200 B.C. and called the game tsu' chu. A few centuries later, the Japanese developed a game called kemari which is also very similar to soccer, where players pass the ball to other players using their feet without the ball touching the ground. And later, a rather fierce town game emerged in Europe during the middle ages called the mob football.The Cambridge rules, written at Trinity college, Cambridge, dating back in 1848, in a meeting attended by many representatives from famous schools influenced the development of the later codes.
The Game
The football or soccer game is founded on the pursuit of scoring the most goals. The teams playing move ball across the football field and attempt to score by kicking the ball into the goal with a framework measuring 24 feet wide and 8 feet high at the professional game level. Each team has a player that guards the goal known as the goalkeeper. The job of the goalkeeper is to fend off balls kicked by the players from opposing team into the goal. The football or soccer players are only allowed to use their feet, knees, chest and head to control, pass and advance the ball except in a throw-in. The only player allowed to touch the ball with their hands is the goalkeeper, where he uses both his hands and almost all parts of the body to block the incoming ball. The entire game is usually played in 90 minutes divided into two 45-minute each halftime game and is played by 22 players, 11 from each team.
The popularity of the sport boosted up sales and also the popularity of not only soccer stores in Mississauga but across the globe that specialize in selling soccer products such soccers shoes, soccer jerseysand other popular soccer merchandise. Some stores that specialize in selling soccer products also have signature soccer products that are being indorsed by popular soccer players. These merchandises are usually expensive but are the ones bought by many soccer enthusiasts.
History of Soccer
The deep origins of football have its roots traced centuries before the International Federation of Association of Football recognized birth of the modern football game in England in 1863. One of the earliest civilization to play a similar type of game was the Chinese Han dynasty in 200 B.C. and called the game tsu' chu. A few centuries later, the Japanese developed a game called kemari which is also very similar to soccer, where players pass the ball to other players using their feet without the ball touching the ground. And later, a rather fierce town game emerged in Europe during the middle ages called the mob football.The Cambridge rules, written at Trinity college, Cambridge, dating back in 1848, in a meeting attended by many representatives from famous schools influenced the development of the later codes.
The Game
The football or soccer game is founded on the pursuit of scoring the most goals. The teams playing move ball across the football field and attempt to score by kicking the ball into the goal with a framework measuring 24 feet wide and 8 feet high at the professional game level. Each team has a player that guards the goal known as the goalkeeper. The job of the goalkeeper is to fend off balls kicked by the players from opposing team into the goal. The football or soccer players are only allowed to use their feet, knees, chest and head to control, pass and advance the ball except in a throw-in. The only player allowed to touch the ball with their hands is the goalkeeper, where he uses both his hands and almost all parts of the body to block the incoming ball. The entire game is usually played in 90 minutes divided into two 45-minute each halftime game and is played by 22 players, 11 from each team.